Matthias Loy

“There is not an article in our creed that is not an offence to somebody; there is scarcely an article that is not a stumbling block to some who still profess to be Christians. It seems but a small concession that we are asked to make when an article of our confession is represented as a stumbling block to many Christians which ought therefore in charity to be removed, but surrendering that article would only lead to the surrender of another on the same ground, and that is the beginning of the end; the authority of the inspired Word of our Lord is gradually undermined.

“The history of the Church confirms and illustrates the teachings of the Bible, that yielding little by little leads to yielding more and more, until all is in danger; and the tempter is never satisfied until all is lost. – Matthias Loy, The Story of My Life

The Sermon on the Mount: A Practical Study by Matthias Loy
The Sermon on the Mount: A Practical Study by Matthias Loy

“The sermon on the mount was preached in the interest of the great salvation which came by the grace and truth which were revealed through Christ, and its preaching of the law as a schoolmaster to bring us unto Him for salvation is always needed in our world of sin.

29 Dec 2021

Lutheran Worship by Matthias Loy [Journal Article]
Lutheran Worship by Matthias Loy [Journal Article]

“Add… the rejection of the sacramental element in the Reformed churches, and their bald worship will be sufficiently accounted for. They do not believe in the real, active presence of the Savior in His Church. They do not assemble to receive from the Lord, so much as to bring to Him their offerings. Their cultus is altogether sacrificial. Even the Lord’s Supper and Baptism are memorials.

23 Sep 2021

The Ministerial Office by Matthias Loy
The Ministerial Office by Matthias Loy

“The question of the Ministry is not one of indifference, which each individual, under the presumption that God has given no decision, may decide according to his own judgment and pleasure. The Lord has decided it in the Holy Scriptures, and to this decision we should meekly submit. It is hoped that those who will carefully consider the argument which is here offered, will not only be convinced that God has spoken on the subject in His word, and that the Church has believed and understood what He has revealed, and expressed her faith in her Confession, but also that they will not be in doubt as to what is the truth which is thus revealed and confessed. — Matthias Loy, from the Preface

25 Aug 2021

Christian Prayer by Matthias Loy
Christian Prayer by Matthias Loy

“There is a knowledge which puffeth up, because it is sundered from true faith which maketh humble. It is knowledge without light or life, a cold thing lodged in the brain, but without influence on the sensibilities and will. Such knowledge is useless, no matter how extensive it may be. It secures not the accomplishment of God’s will in us unto our salvation, nor by us unto His glory. For faith is just as necessary for a life of conformity to God’s will, as it is for salvation according to His will.” — Matthias Loy

30 Apr 2020

The Unity of the Church by Matthias Loy [Journal Article]
The Unity of the Church by Matthias Loy [Journal Article]

“The church is, and in order to be the body of Christ, must be essentially invisible. She possesses not a single essential attribute by which she is visible. If it were not for the instructions of the Holy Spirit, we would be ignorant, not only of her nature, but even of her very existence. We would see men and their deeds, and would know them to be a peculiar organization; but that which is the very life of the organization, without which it is a mere human society, not the church of Jesus Christ, we could never see and never know…

17 Feb 2020

The Burning Question: The Predestination Controversy in the American Lutheran Church by Matthias Lo [Journal Article]
The Burning Question: The Predestination Controversy in the American Lutheran Church by Matthias Lo [Journal Article]

“[Missouri’s] new doctrine would have us believe that there is saving grace only for the few embraced in God’s purpose of election.” “We shall, by the grace of God, be neither enticed nor driven into such folly, but shall abide by the old and well established doctrine of the Church, that God desires with equal sincerity the salvation of all men, and that He saves, and has elected unto salvation, all those who do not obstinately resist the saving work of the Spirit.

13 Jun 2019

Matthias Loy: A Biographical Sketch
Matthias Loy: A Biographical Sketch

Rev. Professor Matthias Loy, D.D. The subject of this sketch was born of German parents in Cumberland Co., Pa., in 1828. He was educated at Harrisburg, Pa., and Columbus, Ohio. In 1849 he received and accepted a call as pastor of the German-English Lutheran congregation at Columbus, Ohio.

11 Feb 2019

Matthias Loy

“There is not an article in our creed that is not an offence to somebody; there is scarcely an article that is not a stumbling block to some who still profess to be Christians. It seems but a small concession that we are asked to make when an article of our confession is represented as a stumbling block to many Christians which ought therefore in charity to be removed, but surrendering that article would only lead to the surrender of another on the same ground, and that is the beginning of the end; the authority of the inspired Word of our Lord is gradually undermined.

1 Jan 0001