Matthias Loy

“There is not an article in our creed that is not an offence to somebody; there is scarcely an article that is not a stumbling block to some who still profess to be Christians. It seems but a small concession that we are asked to make when an article of our confession is represented as a stumbling block to many Christians which ought therefore in charity to be removed, but surrendering that article would only lead to the surrender of another on the same ground, and that is the beginning of the end; the authority of the inspired Word of our Lord is gradually undermined.

“The history of the Church confirms and illustrates the teachings of the Bible, that yielding little by little leads to yielding more and more, until all is in danger; and the tempter is never satisfied until all is lost. – Matthias Loy, The Story of My Life

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 9, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 9, Matthias Loy, Editor

Vol 9 includes “The Desire of Power”, “Doctrinal Preaching”, and “The Righteousness Needed” by Matthias Loy, “Be We Hearers of the Word and not Preachers Only” by Prof. Schuette, and Buddhism and Christianity by Sir Monier-Williams.

30 May 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 6, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 6, Matthias Loy, Editor

Vol 6 includes “The Genesis of Faith” by Matthias Loy, “The Mystery of Conversion” by Matthias Loy, “The Office of Faith” by Conrad Herman Louis Schuette and many other articles. Dig in and enjoy some real Evangelical thought!

8 May 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 5, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 5, Matthias Loy, Editor

Vol 5 includes “The Discipline of the Will” by Matthias Loy, “The Fundamental Difference Between Luther’s And Zwingli’s Theology”, “The Will in Conversion” by Matthias Loy, and many other articles.

10 Apr 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 4, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 4, Matthias Loy, Editor

Vol 4 includes “The Nature of the Will,” “The Liberty of the Will,” and “The Bondage of the Will,” all by Prof. Matthias Loy. Other articles include, “He Shall Baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire,” and “The Power Of God’s Word, According To The Lutheran And The Reformed Systems”. Much good reading!

10 Apr 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 3, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 3, Matthias Loy, Editor

Vol 3 includes “Intuitu Fidei” — “In View Of Faith.”, Wine in the Bible, The Calvinistic Doctrine Concerning Predestination and Election, The Limit Of The Law Of Peace, and many other articles.

5 Apr 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 1, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 1, Matthias Loy, Editor

Volume 1 includes “The Formula Of Concord On Predestination”, “Concerning The Election To Eternal Life by Conrad Dietrich”, “Election in Foresight of Faith”, and many other articles." “The doctrine which has been taught in the Lutheran Church during these three centuries has been established by the Scriptures, and defended against all foes, to the satisfaction of a host of eminent theologians whose linguistic learning and whose logical acumen have not been surpassed in any church or in any age. They sifted evidence closely; they thought upon the subject profoundly; they defended their doctrine triumphantly. They were not ignorant of the objections which could be urged against them. These objections were examined and refuted.” — Matthias Loy, ed.

21 Mar 2023

The Story of My Life by Matthias Loy
The Story of My Life by Matthias Loy

“The history of the Church confirms and illustrates the teachings of the Bible, that yielding little by little leads to yielding more and more, until all is in danger; and the tempter is never satisfied until all is lost. It is impossible to find a place to stop, when the concessions once begin." — Matthias Loy

10 Nov 2022

Sermons on the Gospels by Matthias Loy
Sermons on the Gospels by Matthias Loy

“When you feel your burden of sin weighing heavily upon you, only go to Him… Only those who will not acknowledge their sin and feel no need of a Savior — only these are rejected. And these are not rejected because the Lord has no pity on them and no desire to deliver them from their wretchedness, but only because they will not come to Him that they might have life. They reject Him, and therefore stand rejected. But those who come to Him, poor and needy and helpless, but trusting in His mercy, He will receive, to comfort and to save.” – Matthias Loy

13 Oct 2022

The Augsburg Confession: An Introduction and Exposition by Matthias Loy
The Augsburg Confession: An Introduction and Exposition by Matthias Loy

“Sincere believers of the truth revealed in Christ for man’s salvation have no reason to be ashamed of Luther, whom God sent to bring again to His people the precious truth in Jesus… The whole purpose of the book is practical. It steadily pursues the aim of helping our Lutheran people to a better appreciation of their Church and its precious heritage, and to a firmer stand and a more zealous labor to maintain them and make others partake of the blessings of the Reformation…” — Matthias Loy.

7 Jul 2022

Martin Luther's House Postil Complete in One Volume translated by Matthias Loy
Martin Luther's House Postil Complete in One Volume translated by Matthias Loy

Martin Luther’s House Postils are Christ-centered devotional sermons which Luther delivered to his family and students. This newly typeset edition contains the complete collection, originally published by Matthias Loy in three volumes.

25 May 2022