Matthias Loy

“There is not an article in our creed that is not an offence to somebody; there is scarcely an article that is not a stumbling block to some who still profess to be Christians. It seems but a small concession that we are asked to make when an article of our confession is represented as a stumbling block to many Christians which ought therefore in charity to be removed, but surrendering that article would only lead to the surrender of another on the same ground, and that is the beginning of the end; the authority of the inspired Word of our Lord is gradually undermined.

“The history of the Church confirms and illustrates the teachings of the Bible, that yielding little by little leads to yielding more and more, until all is in danger; and the tempter is never satisfied until all is lost. – Matthias Loy, The Story of My Life

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 23, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 23, Matthias Loy, Editor

This issue contains Some Seeming Contradictions In The Scriptures by Prof. Geo. H. Schodde, Obstacles To Lutheran Practice by Professor M. Loy, and Our Glorious Liberty by Professor M. Loy. “This Magazine is designed to supply the want, long since felt, of a Lutheran periodical devoted to theological discussion. Its aim will be the exposition and defense of the doctrines of the Church as confessed in the Book of Concord. Theology in all its departments is embraced within its scope, though for the present special attention will be given to the controverted subject of predestination.” — Matthias Loy

13 Nov 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 20, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 20, Matthias Loy, Editor

This issue contains “What is the Motive to Do Right” by Matthias Loy, “The Lafayette of the Reformation” by Pfleuger, and “The Christian’s Consolation In Contemplating Death And The Judgment” by Rev. M. R. Walter.

6 Nov 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 19, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 19, Matthias Loy, Editor

This issue contains The Charge of Narrowness by Matthias Loy, The Point of Emphasis in Preaching Christ to the Unsaved by J Sheatsley, Joseph Rabinowitz by Rev. Paul Janowitz, and many other articles. Enjoy!

2 Nov 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 18, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 18, Matthias Loy, Editor

This volume includes "Of the Two Natures of Christ" by Martin Chemnitz, "The Doctrine of Infant Salvation," "Some Hindrances to Jewish Missions (and how to remove them)," "Liberty and the Reformation" by Matthias Loy, and others!

11 Sep 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 17, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 17, Matthias Loy, Editor

This volume includes “Christ and the Sabbath” by P A Peter, “City Missions” by Simon Peter Long, “The Fourteenth Article of the Augustana” by J Humberger, and a “Short History of Higher Criticism” by G Finke.

28 Aug 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 15, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 15, Matthias Loy, Editor

This volume includes “The Use of God’s Word for Correction,” “Lutheranism cannot be Remodeled,” “Theories of Unbelief should not Trouble Our Ministers,” and “The Protestant Church in Roman Catholic Countries”.

14 Aug 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 13, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 13, Matthias Loy, Editor

This volume includes “The Communion of Saints” by Matthias Loy, “The Progressive Nature of Revelation” by R C H Lenski, “The Omnipotence of Christ” by J P Hentz, “A Question on Church Discipline”, “The Ministry and Music” by Carl Ackermann and many other articles. Enjoy!

7 Aug 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 12, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 12, Matthias Loy, Editor

This volume includes “Conversion not Coercion” by Matthias Loy, “Luther and Luther’s version of the Bible”, “The Conscience” by Matthias Loy, “An Excess of Educated Men” and an editorial on “Christian Love”. Enjoy!

2 Aug 2023

The Evangelical Review Vol. 5, William M Reynolds, Editor
The Evangelical Review Vol. 5, William M Reynolds, Editor

Includes “The Plan of Jesus”, “Scripture on the Resurrection of the Dead”, “The Influence of the Bible on Literature”, and “Children in the New Testament”. The Evangelical Review was edited by William M Reynolds, Professor in Pennsylvania College and assisted by John G Morris, H I Schmidt, Charles W Schaeffer, and Emanuel Greenwald. Many faithful and prominent Lutheran scholars and ministers are featured in the magazine. The first issue was published in 1849 in Gettysburg.

26 Jul 2023

The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 11, Matthias Loy, Editor
The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 11, Matthias Loy, Editor

Highlights of Vol. 11 include: “God’s Law And Man’s Sin” and “The Inspiration Of Holy Scripture” by Matthias Loy, “The Tendency Of The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Absolute Predestination To Vitiate Some Doctrines Of The Christian Religion”, and “Parallels Between St. Paul And Luther”.

12 Jul 2023