Simon Peter Long

“…Every minister of the Gospel should so preach that he need never be ashamed of the words he has spoken. Do you suppose that if I were ashamed of my sermons I would have them put in cold print to speak long after I am dead? …A man has no business to preach from the pulpit what he cannot back up, and when he can back it up as the truth, he ought to be willing to have it go in cold print and stand for thousands of years after his voice is silent.”

Simon Peter Long (1860-1929), student of Matthias Loy and educated at Capital University and the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary (Ohio Synod) in Columbus and at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (General Council). Pastor from 1886 to 1929, President of Lima College 1898-1903 and Professor and President of the Chicago Lutheran Bible School.

Does The Great Physician Seem Far Off?

Those times in which the great Physician walked visibly among men and healed all manner of disease are long since past, and the gates of heaven have opened and let the King of glory in. How is it with us? It seems to so many as if the great Physician were now afar off, away from this earth where we labor and suffer, and inaccessible to our burdened souls. It is not so, my brethren, it is not so. He is here. He has not forsaken His people. He will not leave us. He is here now, ready to heal. For He has told us, “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you.” John 14:18. Before He ascended into heaven He said to His disciples:

1 Dec 2019

The Eternal Epistle by Simon Peter Long
The Eternal Epistle by Simon Peter Long

“I want you to understand that I have never preached opinions from this pulpit; it is not a question of opinion; I have absolutely no right to stand here and give you my opinion, for it is not worth any more than yours; we do not come to church to get opinions; I claim that I can back up every sermon I have preached, with the Word of God, and it is not my opinion nor yours, it is the eternal Word of God, and you will find it so on the Judgment day. I have nothing to take back, and I never will; God does not want me to.

3 Oct 2019

The Great Gospel by Simon Peter Long
The Great Gospel by Simon Peter Long

“…Every minister of the Gospel should so preach that he need never be ashamed of the words he has spoken. Do you suppose that if I were ashamed of my sermons I would have them put in cold print to speak long after I am dead?

14 Dec 2018

Prepare to Meet Thy God by Simon Peter Long
Prepare to Meet Thy God by Simon Peter Long

“He that believeth not shall be damned,” says your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You believe this. Pray tell me how can you let your relative, friend, neighbor, or enemy, ignorantly live in his sins and be damned?

23 Jan 2018

The Way Made Plain by Simon Peter Long
The Way Made Plain by Simon Peter Long

“I realize that this city, and all cities, are filled with people who have been unfortunate enough not to have the right kind of parents, who have been unfortunate enough not to have had the right kind of training, who have become busy, and so busy that they must be saved in a few months time or lost forever… We have in view during the next seven Thursday evenings to show the Way and make it plain to every intelligent one who will come and sit down in this center row of pews…” — Simon Peter Long

19 Jan 2018

Simon Peter Long

“…Every minister of the Gospel should so preach that he need never be ashamed of the words he has spoken. Do you suppose that if I were ashamed of my sermons I would have them put in cold print to speak long after I am dead? …A man has no business to preach from the pulpit what he cannot back up, and when he can back it up as the truth, he ought to be willing to have it go in cold print and stand for thousands of years after his voice is silent.”

1 Jan 0001