John Nicholas Lenker

John Nicholas Lenker (1858-1929) was educated at Hamma Divinity School (Ohio Synod), and served pastorates in Grand Island, Nebraska, the General Synod’s Board of Christian Extension, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Before moving to Minneapolis he served as professor in the Trinity Seminary of the United Danish Ev. Luth Church. Prof. Lenker founded Luther Press which translated and published affordable, high quality editions of Luther’s House and Church Postil sermons, copies of which are still used today.

Luther on Genesis: A Critical and Devotional Commentary on the Creation, Sin, and the Flood by Martin Luther
Luther on Genesis: A Critical and Devotional Commentary on the Creation, Sin, and the Flood by Martin Luther

“This volume on Genesis follows the first volume on the Psalms because the volumes ought to be published first that are needed most and will do the most good… While both these volumes will be a healthy corrective to the Old Testament critics, their contribution to the biblical knowledge and the devotional life of Protestantism cannot be exaggerated. Though first delivered to critical students they have also been extensively read in family worship.

5 Aug 2021

Peter and Jude Explained by Luther by John Nicholas Lenker
Peter and Jude Explained by Luther by John Nicholas Lenker

“Luther’s Commentary on the Galatians… is too voluminous… And yet any one that would truly know the man, and the secret of his power, must study these in his writings.”

9 Apr 2020

Luther's Two Catechisms Explained By Himself translated by John Lenker
Luther's Two Catechisms Explained By Himself translated by John Lenker

This is a great little volume, and good introduction for those who’ve never read any Luther, or especially for those who’ve been taught about him, but have never let the great Reformer speak for himself.

20 Feb 2020

John Nicholas Lenker

John Nicholas Lenker (1858-1929) was educated at Hamma Divinity School (Ohio Synod), and served pastorates in Grand Island, Nebraska, the General Synod’s Board of Christian Extension, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Before moving to Minneapolis he served as professor in the Trinity Seminary of the United Danish Ev. Luth Church. Prof. Lenker founded Luther Press which translated and published affordable, high quality editions of Luther’s House and Church Postil sermons, copies of which are still used today.

1 Jan 0001