Leo Herbert Lehmann
“Leo Herbert Lehmann, by education and experience, is preeminently qualified as an expert on the Catholic Church, its history and trends and political relations.
“Born in Dublin, Ireland, he was educated in Mungret College, Limerick, and All Hallows College, Dublin. In 1918, he entered the University de Propaganda Fide, in Rome, Italy, and was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in St. John Lateran in 1921. In theology he was awarded the degrees of S.T.L. and D.D. He served as a Roman Catholic priest in Europe and in South Africa, and for several years acted as negotiator in legal matters at the Vatican. Later he came to the United States, where he served as a priest in Florida, continued his education at New York University and graduated with the degree of M.A. He is now editor of The Converted Catholic Magazine, and Secretary of Christ’s Mission, 229 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. He is the author of many magazine articles, books and pamphlets on the aims and activities of the Roman Catholic Church.” (1943. From Vatican Policy in the Second World War)