Leo Herbert Lehmann

Leo Herbert Lehmann, by education and experience, is preeminently qualified as an expert on the Catholic Church, its history and trends and political relations.

“Born in Dublin, Ireland, he was educated in Mungret College, Limerick, and All Hallows College, Dublin. In 1918, he entered the University de Propaganda Fide, in Rome, Italy, and was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in St. John Lateran in 1921. In theology he was awarded the degrees of S.T.L. and D.D. He served as a Roman Catholic priest in Europe and in South Africa, and for several years acted as negotiator in legal matters at the Vatican. Later he came to the United States, where he served as a priest in Florida, continued his education at New York University and graduated with the degree of M.A. He is now editor of The Converted Catholic Magazine, and Secretary of Christ’s Mission, 229 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. He is the author of many magazine articles, books and pamphlets on the aims and activities of the Roman Catholic Church.” (1943. From Vatican Policy in the Second World War)

Behind the Dictators by Leo Lehmann
Behind the Dictators by Leo Lehmann

“What the Catholic Church is hoping and working for… is the reestablishment… of the ‘Real State,’ a rigid hierarchical system wherein inferiors are subject to superiors. In this system each individual, like a cell in a body, must humbly submit to his fate and occupy his “natural place” which is allotted to him from birth and have no desire to get away from it.

25 Jan 2023

Out of the Labyrinth: The Conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest by Leo Lehmann
Out of the Labyrinth: The Conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest by Leo Lehmann

“Led by the Jesuits and their counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church has never ceased to try to destroy the enlightened order of religious freedom and democracy that has resulted from the revolt of the Christian people in the sixteenth century against the authoritarianism and corruption of the Church of Rome. For if the effects of the Reformation were carried to completion in all countries, not only would religious and civil dictatorship be crushed for ever, but the whole structure of the Roman Catholic Church as now constituted would be threatened with extinction.

23 Dec 2021

How The Popes Treated The Jews by Leo Lehmann
How The Popes Treated The Jews by Leo Lehmann

“…the cause of all anti-Semitism springs from the denial of equal rights and citizenship to Jews in pre-Reformation Christianity… this denial was dogmatized into Christian society by the popes… It was revived in France immediately after the collapse of democracy there in June 1940, and was put into effect by the decrees of the ‘Christian’ Petain-Laval regime on October 18, 1940.”

17 Nov 2021

The Catholic Church in Hitler's Mein Kampf by Leo Lehmann
The Catholic Church in Hitler's Mein Kampf by Leo Lehmann

“Hitler’s Mein Kampf embodies all the aims and principles against liberal democratic processes reiterated in all the important papal encyclicals of post-Reformation Catholicism. It should not be surprising that the Vatican in our time, in exchange for benefits promised to the Catholic church, betrayed the forces of democracy, both inside and outside the church, and used its influence and power to foster allegiance to Fascism and Nazism throughout the world. — From The Catholic Church in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”.

19 Nov 2020

Vatican Policy in the Second World War by Leo Lehmann
Vatican Policy in the Second World War by Leo Lehmann

“If the author had never written anything else but this little book, his years of study and research in this field would be amply justified. — Agora Publishing, 1947. “The extent of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church on politics and war is not generally known to the American public. Americans have tried to look upon and treat the Roman Catholic Church in their traditionally tolerant attitude toward all religions, forgetful that its policies have always affected every phase of the life of the nations of the world, and unwilling to believe that a political Church would try to gain ascendancy over their government. This has been aided by the purposeful silence of the public press in America, which fearfully eschews all adverse comment on Catholic Church affairs.

13 Aug 2020

The Converted Catholic Magazine by Leo Lehmann
The Converted Catholic Magazine by Leo Lehmann

“The two main changes that came about as a result of the Protestant Reformation concerned: l) the reassertion of the true faith in Christ and His saving work; 2) a new culture of freedom in the social order. A change back to the Roman Catholic teaching on these two vital matters would mean abandonment of the true evangelical way of salvation, and, as a consequence, a return to a social order somewhat similar to what Europe experienced during the Middle Ages. This is the issue at stake in the struggle today between the forces of the Roman Catholic Church and those of Protestantism. This is what is behind the great drive of Roman Catholic propagandists today to induce Protestants to become Roman Catholics and to make America Catholic.

6 Aug 2020

The Soul of a Priest by Leo Herbert Lehmann
The Soul of a Priest by Leo Herbert Lehmann

“Papalism proclaims that all men have been redeemed by the sacrificial death of Jesus. Yet it has developed a dogmatic system that actually denies that redemption, even in another world, except to those who conform in every particular to its rules and regulations. It is more concerned about the doctrines and dogmas which it has evolved to preserve its external structure than in the saving message of Christ as set forth in the New Testament. Its basic defect is that it has restored a religious and social system which Christ severely condemned. It seeks to redeem mankind by a man-made system from which Christ freed us. It has restored the old fatalism of the Orient, which affirms that man is, and must ever remain, a mere creature of dust to be ruled to the end by external laws. It thus denies the sovereignty of the individual soul, the sonship of each with the Fatherhood of God, and of the full brotherhood of all men through Christ." — Leo Lehmann, from The Soul of a Priest.

23 Jul 2020

Leo Herbert Lehmann

“Leo Herbert Lehmann, by education and experience, is preeminently qualified as an expert on the Catholic Church, its history and trends and political relations. “Born in Dublin, Ireland, he was educated in Mungret College, Limerick, and All Hallows College, Dublin. In 1918, he entered the University de Propaganda Fide, in Rome, Italy, and was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in St. John Lateran in 1921. In theology he was awarded the degrees of S.T.L. and D.D. He served as a Roman Catholic priest in Europe and in South Africa, and for several years acted as negotiator in legal matters at the Vatican. Later he came to the United States, where he served as a priest in Florida, continued his education at New York University and graduated with the degree of M.A. He is now editor of The Converted Catholic Magazine, and Secretary of Christ’s Mission, 229 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. He is the author of many magazine articles, books and pamphlets on the aims and activities of the Roman Catholic Church.” (1943. From Vatican Policy in the Second World War)

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