Samuel Laird

Samuel Laird (1835-1913) “…belonged to a group of stalwart preachers and leaders whose influence could not be confined to a congregation or a city or a synod. Among them were numbered such men as Krauth, Krotel, Mann, Spaeth, the Schaeffers, Schmucker, Seiss, Greenwald, Passavant.” (George Sandt) Dr. Laird was secretary of the General Council, president of the Pittsburgh Synod, President of the Pennsylvania Ministerium and was influential in the operations of the General Council’s English Home Mission Board. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of Muhlenberg College, and on the Board of Directors of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. For many years he served as Trustee of the German Hospital, and a Director of the Mary J. Drexel Home and Motherhouse of Deaconesses, in Philadelphia. Rev. Laird pastored faithfully for thirty-five years at St. Mark’s Church, Philadelphia,

Selection of Sermons by Samuel Laird
Selection of Sermons by Samuel Laird

Samuel Laird (1835-1913) “…belonged to a group of stalwart preachers and leaders whose influence could not be confined to a congregation or a city or a synod. Among them were numbered such men as Krauth, Krotel, Mann, Spaeth, the Schaeffers, Schmucker, Seiss, Greenwald, Passavant. They rose into prominence at a time when Lutheranism in its English form was passing through a crisis because it had in large measure forgotten the rock whence it was hewn and the pit whence it was digged.”

27 Oct 2021

Who is the Liar? by Samuel Laird [Journal Article]
Who is the Liar? by Samuel Laird [Journal Article]

“The Father hath revealed Himself in Christ. He gave His only begotten Son to a life on earth, to suffering and death, that the alienated sons of men might be redeemed, and reconciled to Him, and brought back again into filial relationship with Himself, that in the true spirit of adoption they might look up to Him and call Him, Abba, Father.

9 Mar 2020

Samuel Laird: A Biographical Sketch
Samuel Laird: A Biographical Sketch

Rev. Samuel Laird, D.D. The Rev. Samuel Laird, D. D., was born on the 7th of February, 1835, in New Castle Co., Del. When about six years of age his parents removed to Philadelphia, where he continued to live until after entering the ministry. He was baptized and subsequently confirmed by the Rev. Philip F. Mayer, D. D., pastor of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran church, of Philadelphia. He was educated in the public schools of the city, graduating from the high school in 1852, having completed the full classical course of study. In the fall of the same year he entered the Sophomore class of the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated from the department of Arts in 1855.

9 Feb 2019

Samuel Laird

Samuel Laird (1835-1913) “…belonged to a group of stalwart preachers and leaders whose influence could not be confined to a congregation or a city or a synod. Among them were numbered such men as Krauth, Krotel, Mann, Spaeth, the Schaeffers, Schmucker, Seiss, Greenwald, Passavant.” (George Sandt) Dr. Laird was secretary of the General Council, president of the Pittsburgh Synod, President of the Pennsylvania Ministerium and was influential in the operations of the General Council’s English Home Mission Board. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of Muhlenberg College, and on the Board of Directors of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. For many years he served as Trustee of the German Hospital, and a Director of the Mary J. Drexel Home and Motherhouse of Deaconesses, in Philadelphia. Rev. Laird pastored faithfully for thirty-five years at St. Mark’s Church, Philadelphia,

1 Jan 0001