Leander Sylvester Keyser

Leander Sylvester Keyser (1856-1937) was educated at Wittenberg College Seminary, Springfield, Ohio, and served pastorates in Indiana, Kansas and Ohio. In 1911 he became professor of Systematic Theology at Hamma Divinity School, and was considered one of the leading theologians of the General Synod. Prof. Keyser’s books include The Conflict Between Fundamentalism and Modernism, The Rational Test, A System of Christian Evidence (Apologetics), A System of General Ethics, A System of Natural Theism, and In The Redeemer’s Footsteps.

In The Apostles' Footsteps: Sermons on the Epistle Lessons for the Church Year by Leander Sylvester Keyser
In The Apostles' Footsteps: Sermons on the Epistle Lessons for the Church Year by Leander Sylvester Keyser

“…there are many people today who are wandering in doctrinal fogland, and do not know what they believe; or, if they think they have any real convictions, they have pared them down to what they call ’the irreducible minimum.’ Many people of the so-called ‘modern mind’ have very small and short creeds. They are determined to accept as little on faith as is possible, and yet continue to have any faith at all.

17 Nov 2022

Election and Conversion. A Frank Discussion of Dr. Franz Pieper's Book by Leander Keyser
Election and Conversion. A Frank Discussion of Dr. Franz Pieper's Book by Leander Keyser

“Note how often faith is mentioned in the epistles. Two of Paul’s epistles – Romans and Galatians – were expressly written to prove that men are justified by faith… The letter to the Hebrews devotes a whole chapter – the 11th – to a panegyric on the heroes of faith… faith is the outstanding doctrine of the New Testament, and therefore should take precedence of a doctrine like election, which is treated more incidentally.” — Leander Keyser

7 Sep 2022

The Conflict Of Fundamentalism And Modernism by Leander Sylvester Keyser
The Conflict Of Fundamentalism And Modernism by Leander Sylvester Keyser

“Modernism accepts just as much of the Bible as suits its subjective conceptions, and then turns around and protests that it believes the Bible. This is certainly not accurate. It ought to say that it accepts such parts of the Bible as agree with its own ideas, and rejects the rest.

8 Mar 2021

In The Redeemer's Footsteps by Leander Keyser
In The Redeemer's Footsteps by Leander Keyser

This book of brief and simple sermons are the result of a lifetime of study, thought and experience by a faithful pastor and teacher. “The title expresses the chief purpose of the book — to follow ‘In the Redeemer’s Footsteps.’ Christ is the Redeemer; by His active and passive obedience He ransomed us from the just consequences of our sins. Therefore it has been the author’s purpose to show the vital connection of each gospel lesson with God’s great and holy plan of saving grace. Every event in the Redeemer’s life and every teaching He uttered must have a real bearing on the central purpose of His incarnation and work: in other words, must be a link, or part of link, in the living chain…

28 Aug 2020

Leander Sylvester Keyser

Leander Sylvester Keyser (1856-1937) was educated at Wittenberg College Seminary, Springfield, Ohio, and served pastorates in Indiana, Kansas and Ohio. In 1911 he became professor of Systematic Theology at Hamma Divinity School, and was considered one of the leading theologians of the General Synod. Prof. Keyser’s books include The Conflict Between Fundamentalism and Modernism, The Rational Test, A System of Christian Evidence (Apologetics), A System of General Ethics, A System of Natural Theism, and In The Redeemer’s Footsteps.

1 Jan 0001