Henry Eyster Jacobs

Henry Eyster Jacobs (1844-1932) served as Professor of Systematic Theology and President of the Lutheran Seminary at Philadelphia. He was president of his church’s board of foreign missions, and edited the Lutheran Church Review, the Lutheran Commentary, and the Lutheran Cyclopedia. He wrote and translated many books.

Luther's Large Catechism translated by Henry Eyster Jacobs
Luther's Large Catechism translated by Henry Eyster Jacobs

“The attentive reader… will see that the matters here treated are not antiquated or obsolescent, but enter most deeply into the issues of the hour.” — Henry Eyster Jacobs Clear print, large format quality paperback available on Amazon by the Lutheran Librarian

9 Jan 2020

The Missouri Doctrine of Election by Otto Zöckler [Journal Article]
The Missouri Doctrine of Election by Otto Zöckler [Journal Article]

"A decade has fully passed since the outbreak of the eventful controversy which has divided the Lutherans of North America into two camps. Dr. Walther showed already in the years of 1864—70, a leaning to the Calvinistic doctrines… The controversy itself broke out first in the year 1872, when Lehre und Wehre, the organ of the Missourians, (p. 205) directed a sharp attack upon Philippi of Rostock, accusing him of Synergism on account of his treatment of the doctrine of conversion in his Dogmatics.

26 Sep 2019

The Lutheran Confessions: A Brief Introduction by Henry Eyster Jacobs [Journal Article]
The Lutheran Confessions: A Brief Introduction by Henry Eyster Jacobs [Journal Article]

“There are points in the Church’s history, years, months, days, in which all the evil that has ever assailed the Church, seems brought to a focus, and to overcome it, the Holy Ghost, who never deserts his charge, concentrates against it not only the sum of all the experience of the Church of the past, but also the endowments of new, fuller, richer unfoldings of the sense and power of God’s Word.

27 Jun 2019

Henry Eyster Jacobs: A Biographical Sketch
Henry Eyster Jacobs: A Biographical Sketch

Rev. Henry E. Jacobs, D.D. Rev. Henry Eyster Jacobs, D. D., was born at Gettysburg, Pa., on November 10, 1844, of Lutheran parentage, his father being at the time Professor of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Pennsylvania College.

29 Jan 2019

The First Free Lutheran Diet Edited by Henry Eyster Jacobs
The First Free Lutheran Diet Edited by Henry Eyster Jacobs

The First Free Diet [formal discussion] of the Lutheran Church was held at St. Matthew’s Church in Philadelphia on December 27-28, 1877. It had representatives from four of the largest Synods at the time. The speakers included some of the great defenders of orthodox Lutheranism in America: Emanuel Greenwald, Charles Krauth, Henry Eyster Jacobs and others. The remarks made by participants are of particular interest.

13 Nov 2018

Henry Eyster Jacobs

Henry Eyster Jacobs (1844-1932) served as Professor of Systematic Theology and President of the Lutheran Seminary at Philadelphia. He was president of his church’s board of foreign missions, and edited the Lutheran Church Review, the Lutheran Commentary, and the Lutheran Cyclopedia. He wrote and translated many books.

1 Jan 0001