Henry Grattan Guinness

Henry Grattan Guinness (1835-1910) was an Irish Protestant Christian preacher, evangelist and author. He started Harley College, also known as the East London Missionary Training School. A traveling preacher, he drew thousands to hear him during the Ulster Revival of 1859. Rev. Guinness trained and sent hundreds of “faith missionaries” all over the world. [Wikipedia]

The Approaching End of the Age by Henry Grattan Guinness
The Approaching End of the Age by Henry Grattan Guinness

“GOD has been pleased to make three great revelations of Himself to man: his Works; his Word; and his Son, and these revelations have been progressive in character. Nature, the Law, the Gospel; a silent material universe, an inspired Book, a living God-man; these are the three great steps that have led from the death and darkness of sin to that knowledge of the true God which is eternal life.” - H Grattan Guinness, from chapter 1.

24 Nov 2023

Creation Centered in Christ by Henry Grattan Guinness
Creation Centered in Christ by Henry Grattan Guinness

“The triumph of Christianity over Paganism was followed by the rise of Free Thought in the Middle Ages, and the return to the primitive faith which characterized the Reformation was succeeded by the reactionary wave of infidelity which rolled over Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries.” - H Grattan Guinness from “Faith and Free Thought”

24 Nov 2023

Light for the Last Days by Henry Grattan Guinness
Light for the Last Days by Henry Grattan Guinness

“In the following pages we present, in a fuller and more detached and definite form, the historic evidence of the fulfillment of the main chronologic prophecies of Scripture.” — Henry Grattan Guinness

9 Mar 2023

History Unveiling Prophecy by Henry Grattan Guinness
History Unveiling Prophecy by Henry Grattan Guinness

“This is a graphic story of the gradual unveiling of the meaning of the Apocalypse in the light of the events of history. It traces this development through eighteen centuries, from the days of the apostolic and martyr Church to those of the mediaeval Church, the Reformation Church, and the Church of modern times. It is a history of the gradual evolution during eighteen centuries, under the influence of historical facts, of that system of interpretation which has commended itself to the most temperate and enlightened minds, Historicism.” — H. Grattan Guinness.

1 Sep 2022

Fallacies of Futurism by Henry Grattan Guinness
Fallacies of Futurism by Henry Grattan Guinness

“The prophecies of the great apostasy… cannot be expounded and applied without giving offense and raising opposition. The word of God is a sword — the sword of the Spirit, — and swords are designed for conflict. Prophetic truth is an important part of the aggressive armor of the Christian.

13 May 2021

The Key to the Apocalypse by Henry Grattan Guinness
The Key to the Apocalypse by Henry Grattan Guinness

“It is an unquestionable fact that the intimately related prophecies of Daniel and John contain seven divinely given interpretations, and it is evident that these must constitute the only infallible basis of exposition.

16 Oct 2020

Romanism and the Reformation by Henry Grattan Guinness
Romanism and the Reformation by Henry Grattan Guinness

“The Reformation of the sixteenth century, which gave birth to Protestantism, was based on Scripture. It gave back to the world the Bible. It taught the Scriptures; it exposed the errors and corruptions of Rome by the use of the sword of the Spirit… We have suffered prophetic anti-papal truth to be too much forgotten. This generation is dangerously… indifferent to truth and error on points on which Scripture is tremendously decided and absolutely clear.

6 May 2020

Henry Grattan Guinness

Henry Grattan Guinness (1835-1910) was an Irish Protestant Christian preacher, evangelist and author. He started Harley College, also known as the East London Missionary Training School. A traveling preacher, he drew thousands to hear him during the Ulster Revival of 1859. Rev. Guinness trained and sent hundreds of “faith missionaries” all over the world. [Wikipedia]

1 Jan 0001