Emanuel Greenwald

Emanuel Greenwald, D. D. (1811-1885) was “a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith.” He trained under the renowned Dr. David F. Schaeffer, “walking 14,000 miles in getting his education”, and was licensed by the Maryland Synod and then the Joint Synod of Ohio. Rev. Greenwald was the first president of the Board of Trustees of Capitol University, Columbus and established the first English Lutheran church of Columbus. As first editor of the Lutheran Standard he fought the “New Measures”. He served the latter part of his life as pastor in Easton, PA, and as president of the East Pennsylvania Synod. “Yet, warrior as he was to the end, battling during his last days against vice, Atheism and Romanism, he never forfeited the respect of good men by coarseness of language or unseemly ebullitions of temper. Like John, he was a ‘son of thunder,’ and at the same time a ‘beloved disciple’”.

His “practical, doctrinal, devotional, and controversial (books) constitute his abiding monument
 His writings are bathed in love. Rising from a perusal of them the reader unhesitatingly pronounces the author a “good” man. Whatsoever things are spiritually lovely are illustrated and commended in Dr. Greenwald’s works.”

His books include:

  • The Lutheran Reformation
  • Jesus our Table Guest
  • Questions on the Gospels for the Church Year
  • Questions on the Epistles for the Church Year
  • Meditations for Passion Week
  • The Young Christian’s Manual of Devotion
  • The True Church, its Way of Justification, and its Holy Communion
  • Sprinkling the True mode of Baptism
  • The Baptism of Children

Quotation from: Jensson, Jens Christian. American Lutheran Biographies. Milwaukee, WI: 1890.

The True Church: Its Way of Justification and Its Holy Communion by Emanuel Greenwald
The True Church: Its Way of Justification and Its Holy Communion by Emanuel Greenwald

“The doctrine of Justification by Faith alone, was the turning point of the Reformation; it was the experience of its necessity and efficacy in the heart of Martin Luther that constituted his best qualification for the work of the Reformation; and as it distinguished the Lutheran Church from the Church of Rome, so it has come to be regarded as the distinguishing mark of separation between Protestantism and Romanism.” — Emanuel Greenwald

1 Nov 2024

An Order of Family Prayer - Jesus Our Table Guest by Emanuel Greenwald
An Order of Family Prayer - Jesus Our Table Guest by Emanuel Greenwald

This book was prepared by pastor Emanuel Greenwald to help his congregants with their daily prayers. While originally intended for family worship, it is perfect for private daily devotions. There are prayers, hymns and Bible readings for each day of the year.

5 Jan 2022

Discourses on Romanism and the Reformation by Emanuel Greenwald
Discourses on Romanism and the Reformation by Emanuel Greenwald

“We can only estimate correctly the Reformation, when we rightly understand the state of things in the Church which called for it. If it was not necessary, it ought not to have taken place. If there were no great evils to be rectified, the Reformation was not needed. And the evils that called for it, must have been of the most serious and aggravated nature, otherwise so great a remedy as the Reformation was not justifiable.

13 Apr 2021

Emanuel Greenwald: A Biographical Sketch
Emanuel Greenwald: A Biographical Sketch

Rev. Emanuel Greenwald, D. D. Emanuel Greenwald, D. D. was “a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith.” He was a good boy, this carpenter’s son, born January 13, 1811, who grew to man’s estate in quiet Frederick, Md. His father’s habit of reading Arndt’s True Christianity and Jay’s Morning and Evening Exercises, and his mother’s serious conversations with him about God and Christ and his soul’s salvation made a lasting impression on Emanuel. At two years of age he was consecrated to the ministry. At eighteen he was catechized and confirmed in German. Previous to this he helped his father at farming and carpentering, and attended school a few winters, but now he became a private theological student of his pastor, the renowned Dr. David F. Schaeffer. During his five years’ tuition this country boy walked 14,000 miles in getting his education. It was of the most solid, orthodox stamp; the body of divinity which young Greenwald became possessed of was no mere coat of mail with vitals of iron, but a living, breathing body with a substantial backbone and glowing heart. From his preceptor’s study the candidate went into the country churches round about to preach repentance and faith.

7 Feb 2019

The First Free Lutheran Diet Edited by Henry Eyster Jacobs
The First Free Lutheran Diet Edited by Henry Eyster Jacobs

The First Free Diet [formal discussion] of the Lutheran Church was held at St. Matthew’s Church in Philadelphia on December 27-28, 1877. It had representatives from four of the largest Synods at the time. The speakers included some of the great defenders of orthodox Lutheranism in America: Emanuel Greenwald, Charles Krauth, Henry Eyster Jacobs and others. The remarks made by participants are of particular interest.

13 Nov 2018

The Baptism of Children by Emanuel Greenwald
The Baptism of Children by Emanuel Greenwald

Rev. Greenwald was born near Frederick, Maryland, Jan. 13, 1811, and was, like the prophet Samuel of old, dedicated by his pious parents to the holy office from his earliest infancy. His theological studies were pursued under the private supervision of Rev. David F. Schaeffer, who similarly prepared no less than fourteen other young men, in his own parsonage, for the work of the ministry.

22 Feb 2018

The Foreign Mission Work of Pastor Louis Harms and the Church at Hermansburg by Emanuel Greenwald
The Foreign Mission Work of Pastor Louis Harms and the Church at Hermansburg by Emanuel Greenwald

“A single congregation can sustain an entire mission. There is no grander spectacle in the history of the whole Church, than this noble work of that one congregation of plain peasant Lutherans at Hermansburg

15 Nov 2017

Emanuel Greenwald

Emanuel Greenwald, D. D. (1811-1885) was “a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith.” He trained under the renowned Dr. David F. Schaeffer, “walking 14,000 miles in getting his education”, and was licensed by the Maryland Synod and then the Joint Synod of Ohio. Rev. Greenwald was the first president of the Board of Trustees of Capitol University, Columbus and established the first English Lutheran church of Columbus. As first editor of the Lutheran Standard he fought the “New Measures”. He served the latter part of his life as pastor in Easton, PA, and as president of the East Pennsylvania Synod. “Yet, warrior as he was to the end, battling during his last days against vice, Atheism and Romanism, he never forfeited the respect of good men by coarseness of language or unseemly ebullitions of temper. Like John, he was a ‘son of thunder,’ and at the same time a ‘beloved disciple’”.

1 Jan 0001