George Henry Gerberding

George Henry Gerberding (1847-1927) studied under Charles Krauth and C. F. Schaeffer and assisted the Rev. Passavant. An indefatigable worker, he established and restored churches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Fargo, ND. His Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church was one of the most successful books ever published by the English Lutheran Church.

The Lutheran Pastor by George Henry Gerberding
The Lutheran Pastor by George Henry Gerberding

“The object of a pastoral theology is to enable men to be true pastors… Right conduct and action should always grow from right principles… Now, the fundamental principles of Lutheran faith and theology are different from those of the Reformed Churches. There is a difference in doctrine. Because of this there must of necessity be a difference in spirit, which will manifest itself in a difference in life.” - George Gerberding, from the Introduction

10 Apr 2024

Lutheran Fundamentals: A Simple System of Scripture Truth with Applications for the Common Man by George Gerberding
Lutheran Fundamentals: A Simple System of Scripture Truth with Applications for the Common Man by George Gerberding

“The Church needs to restudy, to re-accept, to reaffirm, to re-experience justification by faith… Has not a large part of the Protestant Church practically lost this Reformation doctrine? …Is she not unconsciously drifting back into the old Romish heresy of justification by works, by service, by doing? Is she not, unconsciously perhaps, drifting into the Rationalistic and Unitarian idea of justification by self-made character?

4 Jan 2023

The Way of Salvation In The Lutheran Church by George Gerberding
The Way of Salvation In The Lutheran Church by George Gerberding

“The aim of the author is to present a clear, concise, and yet as comprehensive a view as possible, of the way of salvation as taught in the Scriptures, and held by the Lutheran Church.” — M. Rhodes.

3 Nov 2022

The Lutheran Catechist by George Henry Gerberding
The Lutheran Catechist by George Henry Gerberding

“The Lutheran minister has three special activities. He is, first of all, a preacher of the Word, the whole Word, its Law and its Gospel. He is always and everywhere a seelsorger, a pastor, an under-shepherd, seeking the lost, feeding and caring for those in the fold, knowing them by name, carrying on his heart their woes, their wants and their welfare, looking after them individually and collectively. If he would make full proof of his ministry, he must love the Shepherd and Bishop of his own soul, and must show his love by feeding His lambs, by tending His young sheep. He must be a good Catechist.” — George Gerberding

24 Aug 2022

New Testament Conversions by George H. Gerberding
New Testament Conversions by George H. Gerberding

“In these godless and worldly times we must earnestly and diligently preach conversion. We must insist on its necessity. We must reason, exhort, convince, beseech, and plead; ‘Turn ye, turn ye; why will ye die?’”

9 Mar 2022

Reminiscent Reflections of a Youthful Octogenarian by George Henry Gerberding
Reminiscent Reflections of a Youthful Octogenarian by George Henry Gerberding

“I fear those ministers among us who seem to be terribly afraid of Pietism. They do not explain the distinction between a false and a true Pietism. To have ever a greater and deeper measure of the latter is surely one of our greatest needs. It fits so beautifully into our Lutheran system that it ought to be a part of its warp and woof. Indeed it is the very essence, the heart and life of true Lutheranism. God give us more of it!

4 Nov 2021

The Priesthood of Believers by George H. Gerberding
The Priesthood of Believers by George H. Gerberding

“Luther taught that every true believer is a spiritual priest, is as near to the great Head of the Church as any official priest can be, and is equally entitled to the promise and gift of the Holy Ghost. He may exercise priestly functions among his fellow men and ought to do what he can to promote their wellbeing. This teaching of Luther was calculated to awaken a joyous consciousness and energy in the common Christian calling.” — George Gerberding

13 Apr 2021

The Lutheran Church in the Country by George H. Gerberding
The Lutheran Church in the Country by George H. Gerberding

“God has His own way of saving humanity and that His way of salvation is clearly marked out in His Word. Of this [The Reformed Christians] are sadly ignorant. It has not been explained to them. This is their misfortune rather than their fault. Instead of denouncing them, we should feel sorry for them. We should use every endeavor to show them kindly, lovingly, patiently, a more excellent way. In their zeal, which is not according to knowledge, these good people are ready to take up and fall in with anything that promises relief and betterment. They are often imposed upon and inveigled into the fanatical sects that make a great show of earnestness. These immersionist and revivalist and sanctificationist sects are heretics as to psychology, as to pedagogy and as to theology. They burn the country over like a forest fire.” — George Gerberding

9 Apr 2021

What's Wrong With The World? by George H. Gerberding
What's Wrong With The World? by George H. Gerberding

“Unbelieving and unrighteous men do hate the old Church doctrines. Why? Because these old teachings as to sin, guilt, retribution, the fact and need of a divine-human vicarious atonement the need of sovereign grace, the need of the divinely instituted means and all that these fundamental teachings imply – these teachings are unwelcome to the reason of the natural man.” — George Gerberding

9 Apr 2021

The Life and Letters of William Passavant D.D. by George Henry Gerberding
The Life and Letters of William Passavant D.D. by George Henry Gerberding

“The Life of Dr. Passavant should have been given to the Church at least a decade ago… Such lives are lived for others. They are not over when those who lived them are gone, but being dead they yet speak. The stories of these saints are written for our inspiration, for our warning and for our comfort. If posterity is to have the benefit of such lives, their story must be written. It ought to be written while the memory of the heroes is still fresh and the heart still warm towards them.”

6 Apr 2021