Bible History (complete in one volume) by Alfred Edersheim

“It is to help the reader of Holy Scripture that the series has been undertaken. In writing it… I have wished to furnish what may be useful for reading in the family… More than this, I hope it may likewise prove a book to put in the hands of young men, — not only to show them what the Bible really teaches, but to defend them against the insidious attacks arising from misrepresentation and misunderstanding of the sacred text.” — Alfred Edersheim
Alfred Edersheim (1825-1889), was raised Jewish. He studied at the University of Vienna and New College, Edinburgh. After finding faith in the Messiah, he was ordained in the Free Church of Scotland, and later the Church of England.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Book Contents
- About the author
- Map - The Sinai Peninsula
- Map - The Land of Canaan
Vol. 1: The World Before the Flood and the History of the Patriarchs
- Preface to Volume 1
- Contents of Volume 1
- Dates Of Events Recorded In The Book Of Genesis, According To Hates, Ussher, And Keil.
- Introduction to Volume 1
- 1 Creation - Man in the Garden of Eden - The Fall (Gen. 1-3)
- 2 Cain and Abel - The Two Ways and the Two Races (Gen. 4)
- 3 Seth and his Descendants - The Race of Cain (Gen. 4)
- 4 Geneology of the Believing Race, through Seth (Gen 5)
- 5 The Universal Corruption of Man - Preparation for the Flood (Gen 6)
- 6 The Flood (Gen 7 - 8.15)
- 7 After the Flood - Noah’s Sacrifice - Noah’s Sin - Noah’s Descendants (Gen 8.15 - 9.28)
- 8 Genealogy of Nations - Babel - Confusion of Tongues (Gen 10 - 11.10)
- 9 The Nations and their Religion - Job.
- 10 The Chronology of the Early History of the Bible - Commencement of the History of God’s Dealings with Abraham and his Seed.
- 11 The Calling of Abram - His Arrival in Canaan, and Temporary Removal to Egypt (Gen 11.27 - 13.4)
- 12 The Separation of Abram and Lot - Abram at Hebron - Sodom plundered - Lot rescued - The Meeting with Melchizedek (Gen 13, 14)
- 13 The twofold Promise of “a Seed” to Abraham - Ishmael - Jehovah visits Abraham - the Destruction of Sodom - Abraham’s Sojourn at Gerar - His Covenant with Abimelech (Gen 15 - 20, 21.22-34)
- 14 Birth of Isaac - Ishmael sent away - Trial of Abraham’s Fatih in the Command to sacrifice Isaac - Death of Sarah - Death of Abraham (Gen 21 - 25.18)
- 15 The Marriage of Isaac - Birth of Esau and Jacob - Esau sells his Birthright - Isaac at Gerar - Esau’s Marriage (Gen 24; 25.18 - 26)
- 16 Isaac’s Blessing obtained by Jacob deceitfully - Esau’s Sorrow - Evil Consequences of their error to all the members of their family - Jacob is sent to Laban - Isaac renews and fully gives him the Blessing of Abraham (Gen 27 - 28.9)
- 17 Jacob’s Vision at Bethel - His Arrival at the House of Laban - Jacob’s double Marriage and Servitude - His Flight from Haran - Pursuit of Laban, and Reconciliation with Jacob (Gen 28.10 - 31)
- 18 Jacob at Mahanaim - The Night of Wrestling - Reconciliation between Jacob and Esau - Jacob settles at Shechem - Jacob proceeds to Bethel to pay his Vow - Death of Rachel - Jacob settles at Hebron (Gen 32 - 36)
- 19 Joseph’s Early Life - He is Sold by his Brethren into Slavery - Joseph in the House of Potiphar - Joseph in Prison (Gen 37 - 39)
- 20 Joseph in Prison - The Dream of Pharaoh’s Two Officers - The Dream of Pharaoh - Joseph’s Exaltation - His Government of Egypt (Gen 40, 41; 47.13-26)
- 21 The Sons of Jacob arrive in Egypt to Buy Corn - Joseph Reconizes his Brothers - Imprisonment of Simeon - The Sons of Jacob come a second time, bringing Benjamin with them - Joseph tries his Brethren - He makes himself known to them - Jacob and his Family prepare to descend into Egypt (Gen 42 - 45)
- 22 Departure of Jacob and his family into Egypt - Jacob’s Interview with Pharaoh - His last illness and command to be buried in Canaan - Adoption of Ephraim and Manasseh among the Sons of Israel (Gen 46 - 48)
- 23 The Last Blessing of Jacob - Death of Jacob - Death of Joseph (Gen 49)
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Vol. 2: The Exodus and the Wanderings in the Wilderness.
- Preface to Volume 2
- 1 Egypt and its History during the Stay of the Children of Israel, as Illustrated by the Bible and Ancient Monuments (Exodus 1. 1-7)
- 2 The Children of Israel in Egypt - Their Residences, Occupations, Social Arrangements, Constitution, and Religion- “A new King who knew not Joseph.” (Exodus 1 to end)
- 3 The Birth and the Training of Moses, both in Egypt and in Midian, as Preparatory to his Calling. (Exodus 2.)
- 4 The Call of Moses - The Vision of the Burning Bush - The Commission to Pharaoh and to Israel - and the three “Signs,” and their Meaning. (Exodus 2.23; 4.17)
- 5 Moses Returns into Egypt - The Dismissal of Zipporah - Moses meets Aaron - Their Reception by the Children of Israel - Remarks on the hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart. (Exodus 4.17-31.)
- 6 Moses and Aaron deliver their Message to Pharaoh - Increased Oppression of Israel - Discouragement of Moses - Aaron shows a sign - General view and Analysis of each of the Ten “Strokes,” or Plagues. (Exodus 5-12.30)
- 7 The Passover and its Ordinances - The Children of Israel leave Egypt - Their first Resting-places - The Pillar of Cloud and of fire - Pursuit of Pharaoh - Passage through the Red Sea - Destruction of Pharaoh and his Host - The Song “on the other side.” (Exodus 12 - 15.21)
- 8 The Wilderness of Shur - The Sinaitic Peninsula - Its Scenery and Vegetation - Its Capabilities of Supporting a Population - The Wells of Moses - Three Days’ March to Marah - Elim - Road to the Wilderness of Sin - Israel’s Murmuring - The Miraculous Provision of the Quails - The Manna. (Exodus 15.22 - 16)
- 9 Rephidim - The Defeat of Amalek, and its meaning - The Visit of Jethro and its symbolical import. (Exodus 17, 18)
- 10 Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai - The Preparations for the Covenant - The “Ten Words,” and their meaning. (Exodus 19-20.17)
- 11 Civil and Social Ordinances of Israel as the People of God - Their Religious Ordinances in their National Aspect - The “Covenant made by Sacrifice,” and the Sacrificial Meal of Acceptance. (Exodus 20.18 - 24.12)
- 12 The Pattern seen on the Mountain - The Tabernacle, the Priesthood, and the Services in their arrangement and typical meaning - The Sin of the Golden Calf - The Divine Judgment - The Plea of Moses - God’s gracious forgiveness - The Vision of the Glory of the Lord vouchsafed to Moses. (Exodus 24.12 - 33)
- 13 Moses a Second Time on the Mount - On his return his face shineth - The rearing of the Tabernacle - Its Consecration by the seen Presence of Jehovah. (Exodus 34- 40)
- 14 Analysis of the Book of Leviticus - The Sin of Nadab and Abihu - Judgment upon the Blasphemer. (Leviticus)
- 15 Analysis of the Book of Numbers - The Numbering of Israel and that of the Levites - Arrangement of the Camp, and its Symbolical Import - The March. (Numbers 1-4; 10.1-11)
- 16 The Offerings of the “Princes” - The setting apart of the Levites - and the Second Observance of the Passover. (Numbers 7-9)
- 17 Departure from Sinai - March into the Wilderness of Paran - At Taberah and Kibroth-hattabah. (Numbers 10.29-11)
- 18 Murmuring of Miriam and Aaron - The Spies sent to Canaan - Their “Evil Report” - Rebellion of the People, and Judgment pronounced upon them - The Defeat of Israel “unto Hormah.” (Numbers 12-14)
- 19 The Thirty-eight Years in the Wilderness - The Sabbath-breaker - The Gainsaying of Korah and of his Associates - Murmuring of the People; the Plague, and how it was stayed - Aaron’s Rod budding, blossoming, and bearing fruit. (Numbers 15; 33.19-37; Deut. 1.46-11.15; Numbers 16, 17)
- 20 The Second Gathering of Israel in Kadesh - The Sin of Moses and Aaron - Embassy to Edom - Death of Aaron - Retreat of Israel from the borders of Edom - Attack by the Canaanitish King of Arad. (Numbers 20; 21.1-3)
- 21 Journey of the Children of Israel in “compassing” the land of Edom - The “fiery Serpents” and the “Brazen Serpent” - Israel enters the land of the Amorites - Victories over Sihon and over Og, the kings of the Amorites and of Bashan - Israel camps in “the lowlands of Moab,” close by the Jordan. (Numbers 21.3-35; 33.35-49; Deut. 2-3.11)
Vol. 3: Israel in Canaan under Joshua and the Judges
- Preface to Volume 3
- Contents of Volume 3
- 1 Israel about to take Possession of the Land of Promise - Decisive Contest showing the real Character of Heathenism - Character and History of Balaam. (Numbers 22)
- 2 The “Prophecies” of Balaam - The End of Balaam - Parallel between Balaam and Judas. (Numbers 22.36-25; 31.1-20)
- 3 The Second Census of Israel - The “daughters of Zelophehad” - Appointment of Moses’ Successor - Sacrificial Ordinances - The war against Midian - Allocation of Territory East of the Jordan - Levitical and Cities of Refuge. (Numbers 26 - 36)
- 4 Death and Burial of Moses. (Deuteronomy 3.23-29; Numbers 27.15-23; Deuteronomy 34)
- 5 The Charge to Joshua - Despatch of the two Spies to Jericho - Rahab. (Joshua 1, 2)
- 6 Miraculous Parting of the Jordan, and the Passage of the Children of Israel - Gilgal and its meaning - The first Passover on the soil of Palestine. (Joshua 3 - 5.12)
- 7 The “Prince of the Host of Jehovah” appears to Joshua - The miraculous fall of Jericho before the Ark of Jehovah (Joshua 5.13; 6.27)
- 8 Unsuccessful Attack upon Ai - Achan’s Sin, and Judgment - Ai attacked a second time and taken. (Joshua 7 - 8.29)
- 9 Solemn Dedication of the Land and of Israel on Mounts Ebal and Gerisim - The Deceit of the Gibeonites. (Joshua 8.30, 9)
- 10 The Battle of Gibeon - Conquest of the South of Canaan - The Battle of Meroni - Conquest of the North of Canaan - State of the land at the close of the seven years’ war. (Joshua 10-12)
- 11 Distribution of the land - Unconquered districts - Tribes east of the Jordan - “The lot” - Tribes west of the Jordan - The inheriance of Caleb - Dissatisfaction of the sons of Joseph - The Tabernacle at Shiloh - final division of the land. (Joshua 13 - 21)
- 12 Return of the two and a half Tribes to their Homes - Building of an Altar by them - Embassy to them - Joshua’s farewell Addresses - Death of Joshua - Review of his LIfe and Work. (Joshua 22-24)
- 13 Summary of the Book of Judges - Judah’s and Simeon’s Campaign - Spiritual and national Decay of Israel - “From Gilgal to Bochim.” (Judges 1 - 3.4)
- 14 Othniel - Ehud - Shamgar. (Judges 3.5-31)
- 15 The Oppression of Jabin and Sisera - Deborah and Barak - The Battle of Taanach - The Song of Deborah. (Judges 4, 5)
- 16 Midianitish Oppression - The Calling of Gideon - Judgment begins at the House of God - The holy War - The Night Battle of Moreh. (Judges 6 - 7.23(?))
- 17 Farther Course of Gideon - The Ephod at Ophrah - Death of Gideon - Conspiracy of Abimelech - The Parable of Jotham - Rule and End of Abimelech. (Judges 7.23 - 9)
- 18 Successors of Abimelech - Chronology of the Period - Israel’s renewed Apostacy, and their Humiliation before Jehovah - Oppression by the Ammonites - Jephthah - His History and Vow - The Successors of jephthah. (Judges 10 - 12)
- 19 Meaning of the History of Samson - His Annunciation and early History - The Spirit of Jehovah “impels him” - His Deeds of Faith. (Judges 13 - 15)
- 20 The Sin and Fall of Samson - Jehovah departs from him - Samson’s Repentance, Faith, and Death. (Judges 16)
- 21 Social and Religious Life in Bethlehem in the Days of the Judges - The Story of Ruth - King David’s Ancestors. (The Book of Ruth)
Vol. 4: Israel under Samuel, Saul, and David, to the Birth of Solomon
- Preface to Volume 4
- Contents of the First Book of Chronicles (to beginning of Chap. XXx.), and List of the Parallel Narratives in the two Books of Samuel.
- Contents of Volume 4
- 1 Purport and Lessons of the Books of Samuel—Eli—Hannah’s Prayer and Vow—The Birth of Samuel—Dedication of the Child—Hannah’s Song. (1 Sam 1 - 2.11)
- 2 The Sin of Eli’s Sons—Eli’s Weakness—A Prophet’s Message—Samuel’s First Vision—His Call to the Prophetic Office. (1 Sam, 2.12 - 3.21)
- 3 Expedition against the Philistines—The Two Battles of Eben-ezer—Death of Eli’s Sons, and Taking of the Ark—Death of Eli—Judgment on the Philistine Cities—The Return of the Ark. (1 Sam 4 - 7.1)
- 4 Samuel as Prophet—The Gathering at Mizpeh—Battle of Eben-ezer; Its Consequences—Samuel’s Administration—The Demand for a King. (1 Sam 7, 8)
- 5 The Calling of Saul—Occasion of his Interview with Samuei—Samuel Communes with Saul—Saul is Anointed King—The Three: “ Signs “"— Their Deeper Significance. (1 Sam 9 - 10.16)
- 6 Saul Chosen King at Mizpeh—His Comparative Privacy—Incursion of Nahash — Relief of Jabesh-gilead— Popular Assembly at Gilgal— Address of Samuel. (1 Sam 10.17 - 12.25)
- 7 Saul Marches against the Philistines—Position of the two Camps—Jonathan’s Feat of Arms—Saul Retreats to Gilgai—Terror among the People—Saul’s Disobedience to the Divine Command, and Rejection of his Kingdom. (1 Sam 13)
- 8 Camps of Israel and of the Philistines—Jonathan and his Armour-bearer —Panic among the Philistines, and Flight—Saul’s Rash Vow—The “Lot” cast at Ajalon—Cessation of the War. (1 Sam 13.15 - 14.46)
- 9 The War against Amalek—Saul’s Disobedience, and its Motives—Samuel commissioned to announce Saul’s Rejection—Agag Hewn in Pieces. (1 Sam. 14.47-52; 15)
- 10 Samuel Mourns for Saul—He is directed to the house of Jesse—Anointing of David—Preparation of David for the Royal Office—The “ Evil Spirit from the Lord” upon Saul—David is sent to Court—War with the Philistines—Combat between David and Goliath—Friendship of David and Jonathan. (1 Sam. 16 - 18.4)
- 11 Saul’s Jealousy, and Attempts upon David’s Life—David marries Michal— Ripening of Saul’s Purpose of Murder—David’s Flight to Samuel— Saul among the Prophets—David finally leaves the Court of Saul. (1 Sam 18.4 - 20)
- 12 David at Nob—Observed by Doeg—Flight to Gath—David feigns Madness —The Cave of Adullam—Shelter in Moab—Return to the land of Israel—Jdonathan’s Last Visit—Persecutions by Saul. (1 Sam. 21 - 23)
- 13 Saul in David’s power at En-gedi—The Story of Nabal—Saul a second time in David’s power. (1 Sam. 24 - 26)
- 14 Dayid’s Second Flight to Gath—Residence at Ziklag—Expedition of the Philistines against Israel—Saul at Jezreel—He resorts to the Witch at Endor—Apparition and Message of Samuel—David has to leave the Army of the Philistines—Capture of Ziklag by the Amalekites— Pursuit and Victory of David. (1 Sam. 27 - 30)
- 15 The Battle on Mount Gilboa—Death of Saul—Rescue of the bodies by the men of Jabesh-gilead—David punishes the false Messenger of Saul’s Death—David king at Hebron—Ish-bosheth king at Mahanaim —Battle between the forces of Abner and Joab—Abner deserts the cause of Ish-bosheth—Murder of Abner—Murder of Ish-bosheth. (1 Sam 31 - 2 Sam. 4)
- 16 David anointed King over all Israel—Taking of Fort Zion—-Philistine Defeat—The Ark brought to Jerusalem—Liturgical arrangements and {nstitutions. (2 Sam 5, 6; 1 Chron. 11 - 16)
- 17 David’s purpose of building the Temple, and its Postponement — The Sure Mercies”’ of David in the Divine Promise—David’s Thanksgiving. (2 Sam 7; 1 Chron 17)
- 18 Wars of David—Great Ammonite and Syrian Campaign against Israel— The Auxiliaries are Defeated in turn—The capital of Moab is taken —Edom subdued—Record of David’s officers—His kindness to Mephibosheth. (2 Sam 8, 9; 1 Chron 18 - 20)
- 19 Siege of Rabbah—David’s great Sin—Death of Uriah—Taking of Rabbah —David’s seeming Prosperity—God’s Message through Nathan— David’s Repentance—The Child of Bathsheba dies—Birth of Solomon, (2 Sam 11, 12)
Vol. 5: History Of Judah And Israel From The Birth Of Solomon To The Reign Of Ahab.
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- Preface to Volume 5
- Contents of Volume 5
- Chronological Table of the Kings of Judah and of Israel
- Advertisement: Theological Works of the Religious Tract Society
- 1 Jewish View of the History of David—Amnon’s Crime—Absalom’s Vengeance—Flight of Absalom—The Wise Woman of Tekoah—Absalom returns to Jerusalem—His Conspiracy—David’’s Flight. (2 SAM. X1II.—XVI.)
- 2 Ahithophel’s twofold Advice—Hushai prevents imminent Danger—David is informed, and crosses the Jordan—The Battle in the Forest—Death of Absalom—Mourning of David—David’s Measures—Return to Gilgal— Barzillai and Joab as Representative Men of their Period — Federal Republican Rising under Sheba—Murder of Amasa—Death of Sheba. (2 SAM. XviI.—xx.)
- 3 Appendix to the History of David. The Famine—The Pestilence—The Temple Arrangements—David’s Last Hymn and Prophetic Utterance. (2 SAM, XXIL—XXIV, 3 1 CHRON, XXIL—XXVIL.)
- 4 Adonijah’s Attempt to Seize the Throne—Anointing of Solomon—Great Assembly of the Chiefs of the People—Dying Charge of David— Adonijah’s Second Attempt and Punishment—Execution of Joab and of Shimei, (x KINGS 1, 11.3 1 CHRON. XXIIL I, XXVIII, XXIX.)
- 5 Solomon marries the Daughter of Pharaoh—His Sacrifice at Gibeon—His Dream and Prayer—Solomon’s Wisdom—Solomon’s Officers and Court —Prosperity of the Country—Understanding and Knowledge of the King. (1 KINGS UL, IV., 2 CHRON. 1.)
- 6 The Building of Solomon’s Temple—Preparations for it—Plan and Structure of the Temple—Internal Fittings—History of the Temple—Jewish Traditions. (1 KINGS V., VL, VIL 13-51, VII. 6-93 2 CHRON. I. ML, IV., V. 7-10).
- 7 Dedication of the Temple—When it took place—Connection with the Feast of Tabernacles—The Consecration Services—The King’s part in them —Symbolical meaning of the great Institutions in Israel—The Prayer of Consecration—Analogy to the Lord’s Prayer—The Consecration Thanksgiving and Offerings. (1 Kings vil1.; 2 CHRON. V.—VIL 11.)
- 8 The Surroundings of the Temple—Description of Jerusalem at the time of Solomon—The Palace of Solomon—Solomon’s fortified Cities— External relations of the Kingdom—Internal State—Trade—Wealth ——Luxury—tThe visit of the Queen of Sheba. (1 KinGs 1x., X.3 2 CHRON. VII. 11-1X. 28.)
- 9 Solomon’s Court—His Polygamy—Spread of Foreign Ideas In the Country —Imitation of Foreign Manners—-Growing Luxury—Solomon’s spiritual Decline— Judgment predicted—Solomon’s Enemies: Hadad, Rezon, Jeroboam—Causes of popular discontent—Ahijah’s prediction of the separation of the two Kingdoms—Jeroboam’s Rebellion and Flight into Egypt—Death of Solomon. (1 Kings x1.)
- 10 REHOBOAM, FIRST KING OF JUDAH. Family of Solomon—Age of Rehoboam—His Character—Religious History of Israel and Judah—The Assembly at Shechem—Jeroboam’s return from Egypt—Rehoboam’s Answer to the Deputies in Shechem—Revolt of the Ten Tribes—The Reigns of Rehoboam and of Jeroboam—Invasion of Judah by Shishak—Church and State in Israel—Rehoboam’s attempt to recover rule over the Ten Tribes—His Family History— Religious Decline in Israel, and its consequences. (x KINGS XII.3 XIV. 21-313 2 CHRON. X.=XIL.)
- 11 JEROBOAM, FIRST KING OF ISRAEL. Political Measures of Jeroboam—The Golden Calves—The New Priesthood and the New Festival—The Man of Elohitn from Judah—His Message and Sign—Jeroboam Struck by Jehovah and miraculously Restored —Invitation to the Man of Elohin—Heathen view of Miracles—The Old Prophet—Return of the Man of Elohim to Bethel—Judgment on his Disobedience—Character of the Old Prophet and of the Man of Elohim—Sickness of the Pious Child of Jeroboam—Mission of his Mother to Ahijah—Predicted Judgment— Death of the Child — Remaining Notices of Jeroboam. (x KINGS XII. 25=xXIV. 20.)
- 12 ABIJAH AND ASA (2ud & 3rd) KINGS OF JUDAH. Accession of Abijah—His tdolatry—War between Judah and Israe!—Abijah’s Address to Israel and Victory— deaths of Jeroboam and of Abijah— Accession of Asa—Religious Reformation in Judah—lInvasion by Zerah the Ethiopian—Victory of Zephathah—Azariah’s Message to the Army of Asa—Great Sacrificial Feast at Jerusalem—Renewal of the Covenant with Jehovah. (x Kincs xv. 1-153 2 CHRON. XIII.-XxvV.)
- 13 ASA (3rd) KING OF JUDAH—NADAB, BAASHA, ELAH, ZIMRI, TIBNI, AND OMRI (2zd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th) KINGS OF ISRAEL. Reign of Nadab—His Murder by Baasha—War between Judah and Israel— Baasha’s Alliance with Syria—Asa gains over Ben-hadad—Prophetic Message to Asa—Resentment of the King—Asa’s Religious Decline— Death of Asa—Death of Baasha—Reign of Elah—His Murder by Zimri —Omri dethrones Zimri—War between Omri and Tibni—Rebuilding of Samaria. (x KineGs xv. 16-xvI. 28; 2 CHRON. xvI.}
- 14 ASA AND JEHOSHAPHAT (3rd and 4th) KINGS OF JUDAH—AHAB (8th) KING OF ISRAEL. Accession of Ahab—Further Religious Decline in Israel—Political Relations between Israel and Judah—Accession of Jehoshaphat—Ahab’s marriage with Jezebel—The Worship of Baal and Astarte established in [srael— Character of Ahab—Religious Reforms in Judah—Jehoshaphat joins affinity with Ahab—Marriage of Jehoram with Athaliah, and its consequences. (1 KINGS XVI. 29-33; XXII. 41-44; 2 CHRON, XVII. 3 XVIII. 1, 2.)
- 15 AHAB, (8th) KING OF ISRAEL. Rebuilding of Jericho—The Mission of Elijah—His Character and Life— Elijah’s First Appearance—Parallelism with Noah, Moses, and John the Baptist—Elijah’s Message to King Ahab—Sojourn by the Brook Cherith—Elijah with the Widow of Sarepta—The Barrel of Meal wastes not, nor does the Cruse of Oi/ fail—Lessons of his Sajourn—Sickness and Death of the Widow’s Son—He is miraculously restored to life. (x KINGS XVI. 34-XVII.)
Vol. 6: The History of Israel and Judah from the Reign of Ahab to the Decline of the Two Kingdoms
- Preface to Volume 6
- Contents of Volume 6
- 1 Ahab, King of Israel. Three years’ Famine in Israel—Elijah meets Obadiah and Ahab—The Gathering on Mount Carmel—The Priests of Baal—Description of their Rites—The time of the Evening Sacrifice—Elijah prepares the Sacrifice —Elijah’s Prayer—The Answer by Fire—Israel’s Decision—Slaughter of the Priests of Baal—The Cloud not bigger than a Man’s Hand— Elijah runs before Ahab to Jezreel. (1 Kings xviii.)
- 2 Different Standpoint of the Old and the New Testament—Analogy between Elijah and John the Baptist–Jezebe! threatens Elijah’s life—The Prophet’s Flight— is Miraculous Provision—Analogy between Moses and Elijah—Elijah at Mount Horeb—What doest theu here, Elijah? —The Wind, the Earthquake, the Fire, and the Still Small Voice—The Divine Message and Assurance to Elijah—Call of Elisha. (1 Kings xix.)
- 3 General effect of Elijah’s Mission—The Two Expeditions of Syria and the Twofold Victory of Israel—Ahab releases Ben-hadad—The Prophet’s Denunciation and Message. (2 Kings xx.)
- 4 The Vineyard of Naboth—Murder of Naboth—The Divine Message by Elijah—Ahab’s Repentance. (2 Kincs xxi.)
- 5 Ahab and Ahaziah, (Eighth and Ninth) Kings of Israel. Jehoshaphat, (fourth) King of Judah. The Visit of Jehoshaphat to Ahab—The projected Expedition against Ramoth- Gilead—Flattering Predictions of False Prophets—Micalah—The Battle of Ramoth-Gilead—Death of Ahab. (2 Kings xxii. 2 CHRON. xviii.)
- 6 Jehoshaphat, (fourth) King of Judah. The Reproof and Prophecy of Jehu—Resumption of the Reformation in Judah—Institution of Judges and of a Supreme Court in Jerusalem— Incursion of the Moabites and their Confederates—National Fast and the Prayer of the King–Prophecy of Victory—The March to Tekoa— Destruction of the Enemy—tThe Valley of Berakhah—Return to Jerusalem and to the Temple. (2 CHRON. XIX, XX. 1-34.)
- 7 Jehoshaphat, (Fourth) King of Judah, Ahaziah and (Jehoram) Jorah, (Ninth and Tenth) Kings of Israel. The Joint Maritime Expedition to Ophir—Ahaziah’s Reign and Iliness—The proposed Inquiry of Baal-zebub—The Divine Message by Elijah—Attempts to Capture the Prophet, and their Result—Elijah appears before the King—Death of Ahaziah—Accession of Joram—The Ascent of Elijah —Elisha takes up his Mantle. (2 Kings xxii, 48—2 KINGS ii. 14; 2 CHRON. XX. 35-37).
- 8 Elisha the Prophet. Return to Jericho—Acknowledgment by the Sons of the Prophets—Healing of the Waters of Jericho—Judgment on the Young Men at Bethel— Settlement in Samaria. (2 Kings ii. 15-25.)
- 9 Jehoshaphat, (Fourth) King of Judah—Joram, (Tenth) King of Israel. The Allied Expedition against Moab—Recent Discovery of “the Moabite Stone ‘’—Lessons of its Inscription—The March through the Wilderness of Edom—Want of Water—Interview with Elisha—Divine Deliverance—Defeat of Moab, and Advance of the Allies—The Siege of Kir-haraseth—Mesha offers up his Son—Withdrawal of the Allies. (2 KINGS II. 5-27.)
- 10 The Ministry of Elisha as the Personal Representative of the Living God in Israel. The Prophet’s Widow and her Miraculous Deliverance—The Shunammite and Elisha—The God-given Child—His Death and Restoration to Life —Elisha at Gilgal with the “Sons of the Prophets ’—* Death in the Pot” and Removal of the Harm—The Man from Baal-Shalisha—God’s Sufficient and Unfailing Provision for His own. (2 KINGs Iv.)
- 11 Ilustration and Confirmation of Biblical History from the Assyrian Monuments—The Deliverance of Syria through Naaman—Naaman’s Leprosy and Journey to Samaria—Elisha’s Message to Joram and to Naaman—Naaman’s Healing and Twofold Request—Gehazi’s Deceit and Conviction—Gehazi is struck with the Leprosy of Naaman. (2 KinGs v.)
- 12 Two Wonderful Manifestations of God’s Presence with His Prophet: The Interposition on behalf of “ the Sons of the Prophets’’ by the banks of Jordan, and that in the deliverance of Elisha at Dothan—Influence of Elisha’s Ministry—God, the ever-present Help and Deliverer in times of Danger—The Syrians led blinded into Samaria—The Conduct of the King and of the Prophet. (2 Kings vi. 1-23.)
- 13 Siege of Samaria by the Syrians—Terrible Straits and Tragedy in the Cilty—The King sends to slay Elisha, but arrests his Messenger —Announced Deliverance and Judgment on the Unbelieving “Lord.” —The Discovery by the Four Lepers—Flight of the Syrians—Relief of Samaria—The Unbelieving Trodden to Death in the Gate. (2 KINGS VI. 24—VII. 20.)
- 14 Close of Elisha’s Public Ministry : the Beginning of Judgment. The Shunammite on her Return from Philistia restored to her Property— Elisha’s Visit to Damascus—The Embassy of Hazael—Prediction of Future Judgment through him—The Murder of Ben-hadad and Accession of Hazael. (2 Kings vill. 31-15.)
- 15 Jehoram and Ahaziah (Fifth and Sixth) Kings of Judah. Horan, (Tenth) King of Israel. Accession of Jehoram—Murder of the Royal Princes—Introduction of the service of Baal in Judah—Revolt of Edom—and of Libnah—The Writing from Elijah—Incursion of the Philistines and of Arab tribes—Sickness, Death, and Burial of Jehoram—State of public feeling. (2 KINGS VIII. 16-243 2 CHRON. XXI.)
- 16 Joram and Jehu, (Tenth and Eleventh) Kings of Israel. Ahaziah, (Sixth) King of Judah. Accession ef Ahaziah—Character of his Reign—Expedition of Joram and Ahaziah against Hazael and taking of Ramoth-Gilead—Joram returns Wounded to Jezreel—Visit of Ahaziah–Jehu aneinted King—Rapid March on Jezreel—Joram killed—Pursuit and Death of Ahaziah —Jezebel killed—Fulfilment of the Divine sentence by Elijah. (2 KINGS VIII. 25—IX. 37; 2 CHRON. XXII. 1-9.)
- 17 Jehu, (Eleventh) King of Israel. Athaliah, (Seventh) Queen of Judah. Murder of the “sons ”’ of Ahab and of Joram—Destruction of the adherents of Ahab in Jezreel—March on Samaria—Slaughter of the “ brethren” of Ahaziah—Jehonadab the son of Rechab—Meaning of the Rechabite movement—The Feast of Baal at Samaria—Destruction of the Worshippers—Character of the Reign of Jehu—Decline of the Northern Kingdom—Commencing Decline of the Southern Kingdom. (2 Kincs x; 2 CHRON, XXI. 103 XXIV, 17-26.)
Vol. 7: The History of Israel and Judah from the Decline of the Two Kingdoms to the Assyrian and Babylonian Captivity.
- Preface to Volume 7
- Contents of Volume 7
- 1 Athaliah, (Seventh) Queen, and Jehoash, (Eighth) King of Judah.
- 2 Jehoash, or Joash, (Eighth) King of Judah. Jehu, (Eleventh) King of Israel.
- 3 Joash, (Eighth) King of Judah. Jehoahaz and Jehoash, (Twelfth and Thirteenth) Kings of Israel.
- 4 Amaziah, (Ninth) King of Judah. Jehoash, (Thirteenth) King of Israel.
- 5 Azariah, or Uzziah, (Tenth) King of Judah. Jeroboam EE., (fourteenth) King of Israel.
- 6 Azariah, or Uzziah, (Tenth) King of Judah.
- 7 Uzziah (Tenth), Jotham (Eleventh), and Ahaz, (Twelfth) King of Judah.
- 8 Ahaz, (Twelfth) King of Judah, Pekah (Nineteenth), Hoshea, (Twentieth) King of Israel.
- 9 Hoshea, (Twentieth) King of Israel.
- 10 Hezekiah, (Thirteenth) King of Judah. Hoshea, (Twentieth) King of Israel.
- 11 Hezekiah (Thirteenth) King of Judah.
- 12 Hezekiah, (Thirteenth) King of Judah.
- 13 Hezekiah, (Thirteenth) King of Judah.
- 14 Manasseh (Fourteenth), Amon (Fifteenth), King of Judah.
- 15 Josiah, (Sixteenth) King of Judah.
- 16 Josiah (Sixteenth), Jehoahaz (Seventeenth), Jehoiakim (Eighteenth), Kings of Judah.
- 17 Jehoiakim (Eighteenth), Jehoiachin (Nineteenth), Zedekiah (Twentieth), King of Judah.
- Index of Subjects
- Index to Scripture Texts
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2023
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0