Abraham Lincoln The Christian by William Jackson Johnstone

The Rev. Phineas D. Gurley, D.D., Mr. Lincoln’s pastor while President, writes: “I have had frequent and intimate conversations with him [Lincoln] on the subject of the Bible and the Christian religion, when he could have had no motive to deceive me, and I considered him sound, not only on the truth of the Christian religion, but on all its fundamental doctrines and teachings. And, more than that, in the latter days of his chastened and weary life, after the death of his son Willie, and his visit to the battlefield of Gettysburg, he said, with tears in his eyes, that he had lost confidence in everything but God, and that he now believed his heart was changed and that he loved the Saviour, and, if he was not deceived in himself, it was his intention soon to make a profession of religion."
And President Lincoln himself says, “If it were not for my firm belief in an overruling Providence, it would be difficult for me, in the midst of such complications of affairs, to keep my reason on its seat. But I am confident that the Almighty has His plans, and will work them out; and, whether we see it or not, they will be the best for us. I have always taken counsel of Him, and referred to Him my plans, and have never adopted a course of proceeding without being assured, as far as I could be, of His approbation. To be sure, He has not conformed to my desires, or else we should have been out of our trouble long ago. On the other hand, His will does not seem to agree with the wish of our enemy over there [pointing across the Potomac]. He stands the Judge between us, and we ought to be willing to accept His decisions. We have reason to anticipate that it will be favorable to us, for our cause is right.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Book Contents
- Sources Of Information
- List of Illustrations
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- Why
- Introduction by James F. Rusling
- Foreword by Wm. Henry Roberts
- A Testimony By Mr. Lincoln’s Private Secretary
- Early Training
- Mother’s Death
- Boyhood
- Youth
- Superstition
- First Sight of Slavery
- Essay on Christianity
- Indications of Religious Belief
- Life More Serious
- Heard The Rev. Peter Akers, D.D.
- The Soul’s Almighty Architect
- An Oxford Bible
- Letters to Speed
- Denies Charge of Infidelity
- Pew in First Presbyterian Church
- Letter to George E. Pickett
- Religious Awakening
- Letter From Dr. Smith
- Letter From Mr. Ninian W. Edwards
- Letter From Mr. Thomas Lewis
- Address to Bible Society
- Message to His Dying Father
- Befriends a Negro Woman
- Eulogy of Henry Clay
- Good and Evil
- Problem too Mighty
- The Battle of Freedom
- The Perfect Standard
- Transgression and Atonement
- Drinks Adam’s Ale
- Implores Divine Help
- The Bateman Interview
- In the Garden of Gethsemane
- May Fall Like Peter
- Reliance upon God
- Farewell address
- Journey To Washington
- “Rather Be Assassinated”
- First Night in Washington
- Prays before the Inauguration
- First Inaugural Address
- His Only Ruler
- First Letter of Condolence
- First Message to Congress
- Reply to Tycoon of Japan
- First National Fast-Day
- First Annual Message to Congress
- Refers Convict to Mercy of God
- His Great Sorrow
- “Hard To Have Him Die”
- A Christian Nurse
- The Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D.
- Responsibility to God
- Must Work Out Destiny
- First Proclamation for Thanksgiving
- Reply to Evangelical Lutherans
- Speech to Indiana Regiment
- His Great Faith
- On the Lord’s Side
- A Patient Man
- Letter to Count A. de Gasparin
- Wrestling in Prayer
- Battle Of Bull Run
- Visit To Henry Ward Beecher
- Preliminary Proclamation
- Will Do God’s Will.
- His Mind Made Up
- Covenant With God
- No Mistake
- Reply to Quakers
- A Meditation on the Divine Will
- Lincoln and the Sabbath
- Second Annual Message to Congress
- Control of a Higher Power
- “Let this Cup Pass”
- Emancipation Proclamation
- Worthy Of Jesus Christ
- Gracious Favor Of God
- The Voice Of God
- Letter to the Rev. Alexander Reed
- Second National Fast-Day
- Reply to Presbyterians
- “God Will Bring Us Through Safe”
- Announcement of Gettysburg Victory
- A Praying President
- The Battle Of Gettysburg
- The Providence of God
- Daily Prayer
- Prays With Servants
- Requests Many To Pray For Him
- Asks Bishop Simpson To Pray
- A Pastoral Call
- Knelt In Prayer
- Driven Upon His Knees
- Praying For Victory
- Second Proclamation for Thanksgiving
- First Annual Thanksgiving Day
- Dedicated to a Great Task
- Instrument of Providence
- Constant Recognition of God
- Third Annual Message to Congress
- Telegram to General Grant
- A Pardoning President
- “A Cup of Cold Water”
- Address to General Grant
- God Bless the Women
- Controlled by Events
- Letter to Mrs. Horace Mann
- Letter to General Grant
- Recommends Thanksgiving and Prayer
- Grateful to Almighty God
- God Bless the Methodist Church
- Reply to Baptists
- Assistance of the Almighty
- Pisgah and Calvary
- Accepted the War
- Fessenden’s Duty
- National Prayer Meeting
- Fourth Special Thanksgiving
- Letter to a Quakeress
- Lincoln and the Bible
- Profitably Engaged
- Uses Cruden’s Concordance
- The Almighty Directs In Human Affairs
- Comfort From Job
- Reading The Testament
- Reads Bible Every Morning
- In Answer to Prayer
- God’s Plans His Plans
- Only His Duty
- Fourth Annual Message to Congress
- Go Away a Better Man
- “Most Presumptuous Blockhead”
- Lincoln the Comforter
- Grateful to God for Reelection
- Second Annual Thanksgiving Day
- God’s Best Gift
- His Mother’s Wish
- Reads His Mother’s Bible
- Lincoln and Church Membership
- Law And Gospel
- Intended To Make A Public Profession
- Opinion Of A Bosom Friend
- His Last Words
- His Last Day
- Resigned
- The Last Intercessory Prayer
- His Last Speech
- “In God We Trust”
- The Resurrection of Human Freedom
- The President and Cabinet in Prayer
- A Strange Triumphal Entry
- Quakeress Praying with Him
- Letter to Thurlow Weed
- Immortal Words
- Loves Jesus
- Hunger And Thirst After Righteousness
- Opinion Of His Pastor
- Testimony of Friends
- Mr. William O. Stoddard
- Honorable Isaac N. Arnold
- Father Chiniquy
- Bishop Simpson
- Mr. John Hay
- Approved of God
- Inspired of God
- His Crowning Glory
- A Transfigured Life
- Religious Development
- Well Done
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020-08-21
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0