The God of Rome Eaten By A Rat by Charles Chiniquy

Includes: Transubstantiation is the most Degrading form of Idolatry, Why we must put our trust in Jesus and not Mary, A Roman Bishop’s Testimony, and Why I will Never go back to the Church of Rome.
“If there is a thing which is as evident as two and two make four, it is that Romanism is the old idolatry of Babylon, Egypt and Rome, under a Christian mask. But this new form of idolatry is so boldly denied by some of the great dignitaries of Rome, and so skillfully concealed by others, under the spotless robe of Jesus, that not only the too unsuspecting nominal Protestants, but even the ‘very elect,’ are in danger of being entrapped and deceived.
“Go to the magnificent cathedrals, as well as to the humblest chapels of the Church of Rome, if you had any knowledge of the old mythology, and you will see that, today, Minerva, Juno, Venus are worshipped under the sweet and blessed name of Mary; they see again the clouds of incense burning on their altars, and the multitude of male and female devotees humbly prostrated at the feet of their idols, asking them now, as formerly, to appease the wrath of their angry God. But, today, very few read the books which could throw any light on that subject, and among the few who read these books, unfortunately, the greater part remain under the impression that there is a great deal of exaggeration in what is said by Protestants against Rome. — Charles Chiniquy
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Book Contents
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- The God of Rome Eaten By A Rat.
- Mariolatry.
- Papal Idolatry.
- Transubstantiation Is Idolatry.
- Transubstantiation Is The Most Degrading Form Of Idolatry.
- God Himself Turns The Wafer-God Of Rome Into Ridicule.
- Our Saviour Jesus Christ Foretells The Abominable Idolatry Of The Wafer-Christs Of Rome, And Warns His Disciples Against It.
- Transubstantiation Makes God Inferior To Man, And Changes Man Into God.
- Why We Must Put Our Trust In Jesus Alone And Not Invoke Mary.
- Why I Will Never Go Back To The Church Of Rome.
- A Romish Bishop’s Testimony.
- The Jesuits: The Greatest Enemies Of Common Sense And Truth.
- The Jesuits Are The Most Implacable Enemies Of Human And Christian Liberty; They Want To Bring Man Down Below The Brute.
- The Jesuit Society Is The Most Impious Enemy Of The Laws Of God.
- Father Chiniquy. To Mgr. Lynch Archbishop Of Toronto.
- Copyright Notice
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Updated: August 2022
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0