Was The Apostle Peter Ever At Rome? by Mason Gallagher

“All evidence that Rome has presented for her Petrine claim is here considered, and the views of the leading scholars of different nations, with respect to the life and labors of the Chief of the Apostles, together with other matters cognate to the subject.” — From the Preface
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
“…Examining carefully the history of the Church of Rome, and all the evidence she presents for the validity of her authority, I find none that will bear an impartial and thorough scrutiny.
“I find no ancient writer whose testimony to a Roman visit would be received in any court of justice, or even in a matter which concerned worldly property. Shall I risk my immortal soul on such an uncertainty?” — From the Preface
Book Contents
- Dedication
- Introduction.
- 1 Statement of the Case.
- What Rome Teaches.
- Where The Burden Of Proof Lies.
- Recent Critical Investigations.
- Roman Catholic Admissions.
- The Verdict Of Protestant Scholarship.
- Continental Authors.
- Views Of British Scholars.
- American Writers.
- A Historic Parallel.
- The Society Of Jesus.
- 2 Ignatius
- Forged Testimony: Linus And Anacletus.
- Ignatius.
- 3 Clement of Rome.
- Clement’s epistle suppressed.
- 4 Fathers of the Second Century.
- Polycarp.
- Barnabas.
- Hermas.
- Justin Martyr.
- The Didache, Or Teaching Of The Apostles.
- 5 Testimony of Scripture.
- The Traditional Time Of Peter’s Residence.
- What The Scripture Says.
- Testimony Of Ellendorf.
- Ellendorf’s Admission.
- 6 Was the Babylon of Peter, Rome?
- Babylon Is Rome.
- Babylon Was In Egypt.
- 7 Origin of the Story: Babylon Meant Rome
- Can The Charge Against Papias Be Proved?
- 8 Canon Farrar on the Question of Babylon
- Peter’s Connection With Mark.
- Mark Secretary To Peter.
- 9 The View of the Orientalist Lightfoot.
- The Order Of Provinces.
- 10 Dr. G. W. Samson’s Argument.
- Rome’s figurative interpretation a confession of weakness.
- A Conceded Weakness Of Proof
- 11 Rome not Babylon — Arguments of English Authors.
- 12 Views of Continental Writers.
- 13 Gavazzi’s Argument
- 14 The Apostles Peter and John
- John’s Epistle To The Parthians.
- John In Babylon.
- 15 The Second Epistle of John, To Whom Addressed?
- Bishop Wordsworth’s Argument.
- 16 Results of Inquiry Thus Far
- Dr. Samson’s Argument Noted.
- Catena Of Authorities.
- Continental Authors.
- English Writers.
- American Scholars.
- The Result Reached.
- 17 Rome’s Appeal to Authority.
- The Clementina.
- Dr. George P. Fisher.
- Dionysius Of Corinth.
- 18 Irenaeus
- The Fathers Unreliable.
- Scripture Misquoted.
- 19 “The Trophies” of Caius
- Another Difficulty.
- Another Trophy.
- 20 Tertullian and Hippolytus.
- Tertullian
- Hippolytus.
- 21 Origen, Clemens, Cyprian.
- Clemens Alexandrinus.
- Cyprian.
- Lanciani’s Discoveries.
- 22 Eusebius.
- Laymen On Eusebius.
- A Suggested Parallel Case.
- 23 Professor Ramsey’s Theory.
- A Further Objection.
- The Main Objection.
- The Papal Commendation.
- 24 Recapitulation.
- Antecedent Probabilities.
- Form And Order Of Evidence.
- Addenda.
- Principal Authorities Quoted.
- Copyright Notice
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0