The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Burke McCarty

“The death of President Lincoln was the culmination of but one step in the attempt to carry out the Secret Treaty of Verona, of October, 1822, a pact entered into by the “high contracting parties” of the former Congress of Vienna, Austria, which had held its sessions secret, covering the whole year of 1814-15.
“Simultaneously with the calling of the Congress of Vienna in 1814, Pope Pius VIIth restored the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) which had been abolished by Pope Clement IVth, July 21, 1773, on the grounds that it was immoral, dangerous and was a menace to the very life of the papacy. Clement was promptly poisoned for his act.
“With the restoration of this order, the execution of the Secret Treaty of Verona was placed in their keeping…
“The ‘Society of Jesus’, the members of which are referred to as the Jesuits, has absorbed the Papacy. This Society was founded by a fanatic, one Ignatius Loyola, in 1541; its object being to combat the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther of 1517…” — Burke McCarty
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Book Contents
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- Introduction
- 1 Destruction of this Republic Plotted by European Monarchists.
- 2 The “Society of Jesus” the Engine of Destruction.
- The Jesuit Oath
- The Jesuit Oath Taken By The First Arch-Bishop Of Baltimore (1769) Leaves Its Impress
- 3 “The Saint Leopold Foundation” Spy System.
- Rome’s Representation In The Underworld
- Jennie Daly — Madam
- 4 The Turning Point In Lincoln’s Life.
- Lincoln The Third President Assassinated.
- First President Assassinated.
- The Assassination Of Zachary Taylor.
- The Attempted Assassination Of The Fifteenth President
- 5 When The Pope Was King.
- 6 Lincoln Takes Up The Burden.
- Roman Church Always Has Advocated Chattel Slavery.
- 7 Assembling The Chosen Assassins.
- John H. Surratt, Arch Conspirator
- Booth Meets Surratt.
- 8 The Blackest Deed In American History.
- 9 The Trials Of The Assassins By Documentary Evidence.
- 10 The Trail Of The Arch Conspirator John H. Surratt.
- Surratt Entered English Papal College At Rome.
- Surratt Given Warning By His Ecclesiastical Protectors.
- AFFIDAVIT OF HENRI de Sainte Marie.
- 11 The Trial Of John H. Surratt
- Testimony Of Ship Surgeon Dr. L. J. Mcmillen, The Peruvian.
- 12 Summing It All Up: Two And Two
- Gen. T. M. Harris “Nails” Priest Walters’ Attempt To Whitewash Mrs. Surratt.
- Other Testimony Of The Surratts’ Catholic Friends.
- Testimony of Miss Anna Ward, for the Defense, June 3rd.
- Rev. B. F. Wiget For Defense, May 25th,
- Rev. Francis E Boyle For The Defense, May 25th.
- Rev. Chas. H. Stonestreet, For The Defense, May 26th
- Rev. Peter Lanihan, Defense, May 26.
- Extracts Form The Testimony Of Louis J. Weichmann.
- Testimony Of The Reverend B. F. Wiget.
- Rev. N. D. Young, Defense, May 26.
- Leo XIII On Liberty Of Conscience
- Attempting To Destroy The Free Press
- Fitzgerald Bill (H. R. 6468)
- Gallivan Bill (H. R. 13778)
- Liberty Of Speech And Press
- Executing The Secret Treaty Of Verona.
- Peaceable Assemblages Denied In United States By Roman Catholic Mob Rule
- Editorial From The Christian Science Journal, Boston, April 21, 1916
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0