History of Protestantism Vol. 2 by James Aitken Wylie

“Protestantism… penetrates into the heart and renews the individual. It is… the founder of free kingdoms, and the mother of pure churches.” — James Aitken Wylie
This is the second of three volumes. The first volume is History of Protestantism Volume 1.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
James Aitken Wylie LL.D. (1808-1890) was a Scottish historian of religion and Presbyterian minister. His most famous work is the four volume History of Protestantism. Other important books include _The Great Exodus, or “The Time of the End”, Rome and civil liberty: or, The papal aggression in its relation to the sovereignty of the Queen and the independence of the nation, The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects, The Jesuits: Their Moral Maxims and Plots Against Kings, Nations, and Churches, The Papacy is the Antichrist - A Demonstration.
- About the Lutheran Library
- Frontispiece
- Titlepage
- Contents Vol. 2
- List of Illustrations
Book Tenth. Rise and Establishment of Protestantism in Sweden and Denmark
- Causes that influenced the Reception or Rejection of Protestantism in the Various Countries
- Fortunes of Protestantism South of the Alps
- Introduction of Protestantism into Sweden
- Conference at Upsala
- Establishment of Protestantism in Sweden
- Protestantism in Sweden, from Vasa (1530) to Charles IX (1604)
- Introduction of Protestantism into Denmark
- Church-Song in Denmark
- Establishment of Protestantism in Denmark
- Protestantism under Christian III, and its Extension to Norway and Iceland
Book Eleventh. Protestantism in Switzerland from its Establishment in Zurich (1525) to the Death of Zwingli (1531)
- Zwingli - His Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper
- Disputation at Baden and its Results
- Outbreak and Suppression of Anabaptism in Switzerland
- Establishment of Protestantism at Bern
- Reformation Consummated in Basle
- League of the Five Cantons with Austria - Switzerland Divided
- Arms - Negotiations - Peace
- Proposed Christian Republic for Defence of Civil Rights
- Gathering of a Second Storm
- Death of Zwingli
Book Twelfth. Protestantism in Germany from the Augsburg Confession to the Peace of Passau
- The Schmalkald League
- The German Anabaptists, or the “Heavenly Kingdom”
- Accession of Princes and States to Protestantism
- Death and Burial of Luther
- The Schmalkald War, and Defeat of the Protestants
- The “Interim” - Reestablishment of Protestantism
Book Thirteenth. From the Rise of Protestantism in France (1510) to Publication of the “Institutes” (1530?)
- The Doctor of Etaples, the First Protestant Teacher in France
- Farel, Briconnet, and the Early Reformers of France
- The First Protestant Congregation of France
- Commencement of Presecution in France
- The First Martyrs of France
- Calvin: His Birth and Education
- Calvin’s Conversion
- Calvin Becomes a Student of Law
- Calvin the Evangelist, and Berquin the Martyr
- Calvin at Paris, and Francis Negotiating with Germany and England
- The Gospel Preached in Paris - A Martyr
- Calvin’s Flight from Paris
- First Protestant Administration of the Lord’s Supper in France
- Catherine de Medici
- Marriage of Henry of France to Catherine de Medici
- Melanchthon’s plan for Uniting Wittenberg and Rome
- Plan of Francis I for Combining Lutheranism and Romanism
- First Disciples of the Gospel in Paris
- The Night of the Placards
- Martyrs and Exiles
- Other and more Dreadful Martyrdoms
- Basle and the “Institutes”
- The “Institutes”
- Calvin on Predestination and Election
- Calvin’s Appeal to Francis I
Book Fourteenth. Rise and Establishment of Protestantism at Geneva
- Geneva: The City and its History
- Genevese Martyrs of Liberty
- The Reform Commenced in Lausanne, and Established in morat and Neuchatel
- Tumults - Successes - Toleration
- Farel Enters Geneva
- Geneva on the Brink of Civil War
- Heroism of Geneva
- Rome Falls and Geneva Rules
- Establishment of Protestantism in Geneva
- Calvin Enters Geneva - Its Civil and Ecclesiastical Constitution
- Sumputary Laws - Calvin and Farel Banished
- Calvin at Strasburg - Rome draws near to Geneva
- Abortive Conferences at Hagenau and Ratisbon
- Calvin Returns to Geneva
- The Ecclesiastical Ordinances
- The New Geneva
- Calvin’s Battles with the Libertines
- Calvin’s Labours for Union
- Servetus comes to Geneva and is Arrested
- Calvin’s Victory over the Libertines
- Apprehension and Trial of Servetus
- Condemnation and Death of Servetus
- Calvin’s Correspondence with Martyrs, Reformers, and Monarchs
- Calvin’s Manifold Labours
- Final Victory and Glory of Geneva
- Geneva and its Influence in Europe
- The Academy of Geneva
- The Social and Family life of Geneva
- Calvin’s Last Illness and Death
- Calvin’s Work
Book Fifteenth. The Jesuits
- Ignatius Loyola
- Loyola’s First Disciples
- Organisation and Training of the Jesuits
- Moral Code of the Jesuits - Probabilism, etc.
- The Jesuit Teaching on Regicide, Murder, Lying, Theft, etc.
- The “Secret Instructions” of the Jesuits
- Jesuit Management of Rich Widows and the Heirs of Great Families
- Diffusion of the Jesuits throughout Christendom
- Commercial Enterprises and Banishments
- Restoration of the Inquisition
- The Tortures of the Inquisition
Book Sixteenth. Protestantism in the Waldensian Valleys
- Antiquity and First Persecutions of the Waldenses
- Cataneo’s Expedition (1488) against the Dauphinese and Piedmontese Confessors
- Failure of Cataneo’s Expedition
- Synod in the Waldensian Valleys
- Persecutions and Martyrdoms
- Preparations for a War of Extermination
- The Great Campaign of 1561
- Waldensian Colonies in Calabria and Apulia
- Extinction of Waldenses in Calabria
- The Year of the Plague
- The Great Massacre
- Exploits of Gianavello - Massacre and Pillage of Rora
- The Exile
- Return to the Valleys
- Final Reestablishment in their Valleys
- Condition of the Waldenses from 1690
Book Seventeenth. Protestantism in France from Death of Francis I (1547) to Edict of Nantes (1598)
- Henry II and Parties in France
- Henry II and his Persecutions
- First National Synod of the French Protestant Church
- A Gallery of Portraits
- The Guises, and the Insurrection of Amboise
- Charles IX - The Triumvirate - Colloquy at Poissy
- Massacre at Vassy and Commencement of the Civil Wars
- Commencement of the Huguenot Wars
- The First Huguenot War, and Death of the Duke of Guise
- Catherine de Medici and her Son, Charles IX - Conference at Bayonne - The St. Bartholomew Plotted
- Second and Third Huguenot Wars
- Synod of La Rochelle
- The Promoters of the St. Bartholomew Massacre
- Negotiations of the Court with the Huguenots
- The Marriage, and Preparations for the Massacre
- The Massacre of St. Bartholomew
- Resurrection of Huguenotism - Death of Charles IX
- New Persecutions - Reign and Death of Henry III
- 19 Henry IV and the Edict of Nantes
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0