The Divine Programme of the World's History by Albert Close

“This book is not a book of one man’s ideas. It is a compendium of the teaching and interpretations of the Prophetic Scriptures by some of the greatest, most learned and spiritually minded men the Christian Church has produced. These men, besides being great scholars, were men who knew the Holy Spirit as a living Teacher. Their writings breathe with the Holy Spirit in every page. They instinctively recognized the character and origin of the great Futurist and Preterist movements to change the interpretation of prophecy in the early Nineteenth Century, and uncompromisingly repudiated these two Jesuit systems… Since the beginning of the Twentieth Century their writings have been considered as out of date by modern theological scholars. Men would hear nothing about such gloomy subjects, so the Christian Church as a whole adopted the modern and popular doctrine of the ‘upward progress of the race.’”
“In the following pages the author has endeavored to set forth the true teaching of the Scriptures concerning the future of our world, as interpreted by these great men who have left their footprints on the sands of time. Their teaching agrees with that of God’s long line of great Christian leaders extending back to the days of Christ and the Apostles. The Holy Spirit certainly never sent the great leaders in the Reformation age to proclaim one interpretation of prophecy, and then in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries another school of teachers to teach the modern interpretation, with all its fallacies about the upward progress of the race. It is this modern teaching that has failed, and not Christianity. This teaching came from Germany. it is part of the German evolutionary doctrine.” — Albert Close, from the Preface.
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
Book Contents
- Part 1
- A Great Scholar and Scientist’s Testimony
- The German Submarine Blockade of A.D. 1915
- God’s Long Line of Great Interpreters
- Prof. T. R. Birks of Cambridge on Prophecy
- What is Prophecy? What is History?
- God the Great Over-Ruler of Human History
- 2,500 Years of Gentile History revealed in Eastern Hieroglyphics, 600 B.C.
- The Coming Great World Revolution
- The Vatican and the Great War of A.D. 1914
- The Rise of the Little Horn or Papal Dynasty amongst the Ten Kingdoms of Europe
- The Three Horns plucked up by the Roots, before the Popes were able to Exercise Temporal Power
- How the First Popes became Bishop-Kings, or Little Horns in Europe
- The Ten Kingdoms for the Last 1000 Years
- Why Napoleon Failed to Unite Europe
- The Ten Kingdoms Today, A.D. 1916
- The Great Apostasy of the Eastern Roman Empire
- The Eastern Little Horn, or Mohammedan Power
- The Two Little Horns in Daniel 7 and 8
- The Era Between 1844 and A.D. 1920
- Part 2
- The Mass, Extreme Unction, Purgatory Prayers for the Dead, Idol Processions, Relic Worship, the Rosary, and the Worship of the Sacred Heart, the Priest with the Shaven Crown, the Host, Holy Water, Adoration of Images, Celibate Priests, Pontifex Maximus, originated in Ancient Babylon
- Foundation of the Christian Church, A.D. 33
- Harnack and the Early Date of the Gospels
- Jesus Christ, a Historical Character: Pagan Records
- The Rise of Antichrist when the Roman Empire Fell
- Antichrist sitting in the “Temple of God” in Rome pretending he is God
- Origin of Virgin Mary Worship
- The Madonna and Son from Babylon and India
- Pagan Festival Days still observed by Christians
- The State of Europe before the Reformation
- The Criminal Records of Europe, Papal Countries Worst
- False Irish Roman Catholic Illegitimacy Records
- Antichrist not an open Antagonist, but a Monstrous Hypocrite and Counterfeiter of Christ and Christianity
- The Divine Foreview of the Reformation
- The Second Giving of the Scripture to the World
- Leo X. at His Coronation Impersonates Christ
- How the Great Cathedrals were Built by Rome
- Antichrist a Dynasty, not an Individual
- Divine Foreview of Drawing up the New Constitutions and Confessions of Faith at the Reformation
- Public Profession of Christiainty silenced for 3½ Years, May 5th, A.D. 1514 to October 31st, 1517
- Servetus Preached New Theology in 1531 A.D.
- Where the Jesuits Originated
- Loyola the Jesuit, Practices “Intensive Culture” 370 years Before the New Theology of 1907 A.D.
- The Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
- Jesuit Management of Rich Widows and the Heirs of Great Families
- How Jesuits Acquire Business Firms’ Secrets
- How the Jesuits made Converts in the East Indies in the Sixteenth Century
- Jesuits Intercept Letters in the Post
- The Jesuits have been Expelled from Thirty Countries
- Clement XIV. Suppresses the Jesuits 1773 A.D.
- What Cardinal Manning Thought of the Jesuits
- Mass Abolished int he Church of England, A.D. 1549
- Jesuit Secret Instructions from the Council of Trent
- The Disguised Jesuit in Rochester Cathedral
- The Pope’s Official St. Bartholomew Programme, A.D. 1572
- Rome’s English Martyrs Really Traitors
- The Covenanters of Scotland. Rewritten History
- Gregory XIII Alters the Calendar and the Clock of History Ten Days in 1260 Years
- Antichrist Changing the Times and Laws in 1582 A.D.
- Jesuits Invent False Interpretations of the Apocalypse
- Mary Queen of Scots Poses as a Martyr
- The Spanish Armada and the Spanish State Documents
- Falsified High Church and Roman Catholic History
- Cardinal Gasquet, and Falsified History
- The Pope Incites Philip II. of Spain to Invade England. The Spanish Ambassador’s Report, February 24th 1596(?)
- How the Jesuits Falsify History Today
- Alcasar, the Jesuit, invents Preterism, 1603 A.D.
- The Great Gunpowder Plot, A.D. 1605
- The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1620 A.D.
- The Westminster Divines Declare the Pope the Antichrist
- The Papal Bishop-King, the Man of Sin
- Transubstantiation an Abomination in God’s Sight
- The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685 A.D.
- The Sins of the Fathers Visited on the Children of France unto the Third and Fourth Generations, 100 Years Later
- James II, and the Jesuits in England, 1688 A.D.
- The Battle of the Boyne; Papal Overthrow
- Voltaire Deluges Europe with Infidelity
- The Sunday School Founded in 1780 A.D.
- The French Revolutionary Wars and the Divine Programme of the World’s History
- Armageddon Possibly to be an Era of Wars
- The Drying up of the Turkish Empire
- The Beginning of the Era of Modern Foreign Missions
- Napoleon’s Unfulfilled Prophecy, A.D. 1804
- Napoleon Strangling England, A.D. 1804
- Overthrow of Napoleon at Waterloo, 1815 A.D.
- Wellington Invading France, 1813 A.D.
- Louis XVIII. thanks British Officers for their Humanity
- Changing the Interpretation of Prophecy, 1826 A.D.
- The Roman Catholic Revival in Britain
- Profs. Candish and Birks on Prophecy
- The Great European Revolution of 1848 A.D.
- Men and Women Overestimating Talents and Abilities
- Bishop Wordsworth’s Challenge to Rome in Westminster Abbey, February 16th, 1851 A.D.
- A British Prime Minister’s Hatred of Protestantism
- The Papal Downfall in 1870
- Great Expositors who did not Fix Dates
- The End of the Beast’s Twelve Hundred Years’ Reign over the Kingdoms of Western Europe, in 1870
- Miniature Symbols of Time in Prophecy
- Why Many Chronological Mistakes have been Made
- Great Hill-Tops of Papal and Mohammedan History
- Voltaire, the Father of German Rationalism
- The Era Between 1905 and 1923 A.D.
- History of the Rise, Reign, Decline and Fall of the Papal Temporal Power
- The Pope Claims to be Jesus Christ
- Exposures in Paris Churches, May, 1871
- What an English Physician Saw in Paris, 1871 A.D.
- Converts who Disappear in Ireland Today
- The Great Moody and Sankey Revival in 1872 A.D.
- Cardinal Manning and the Great European War
- The Jesuits and the German Emperor
- The Roman Catholic Reredos in St. Paul’s Cathedral
- The Protestant Truth Society Founded 1889 A.D.
- A Roman Catholic Priest in the Church of England
- Disguised Roman Priests and High Churchman Undoing the Reformation in England
- Counterfeiting the Atonement of Christ
- The New Theology of Half-Truths
- What the New Theology Teaches and Denies
- The New Theology God who Made His World Badly!
- Christian Ministry’s Attitude Towards New Theology
- The Power of Hypnotic Preachers
- Counterfeiting Power of Hypnotism in the Pulpit
- An Athiest Lectures at the City Temple, London
- Ministers who Recognized the Devil when they saw Him
- Modern Wandering Stars Their Fate
- Why the Educated are Deceived by New Theology
- Belgian Rubber Horrors on the Congo
- Antichrist and the British Accession Declaration
- The Suffragette Movement the Devil’s Movement
- Socialism the Masculine Affinity of Suffragettism
- State of the Christian Ministry at the beginning of the Great War in 1914 A.D.
- Eschatology Avoided in the Pulpit Today
- Nietzsche’s Teaching and Germany
- Men who Inspired German Ambitions
- German Teaching that Caused the War (WWI)
- The War and the Failure of Christianity?
- The Mistakes of the Theological Professors
- The Brotherhood Movement and Pulpit Politics
- The Bavarians and the German Atrocities
- Mythical Pagan Christs before Christ
- Roman Catholics on the Press during the War
- The Christian Sanction of War
- The Continental and High Church Sabbath
- Trouble in the Atmosphere of the World
- Sir Edward Grey’s Remarkable Statement in the British Parliament in November 1911
- What the Bible Says about the Future
- What Daniel Foretells About the Last Days
- The Great Age of Inventions Foretold
- Christ Teaches there will be Good and Bad to the End: No Universal Righteousness
- The Judgment of the Nations at the Beginning of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom on Earth
- The Signs Christ Warns us to Watch for
- A Time of Great Trouble amongst the Nations
- The Future: the Destruction of Papal Europe
- Commercial Countries Heavily Involved
- The Fall and Burning of Papal Europe
- Papal Europe in the Volcanic and Earthquake Zone
- What St. John Saw at the End of the Divine Programme: a World without a Tempter
- The Judgment of the Wicked Dead
- Rev. C. H. Spurgeon and Prof. Candlish on Prophecy
- Rome Setting the World on Fire in A.D. 1914
- Chronological Table of the War Four Days Late
- Rome’s Influence at the British Foreign Office
- Explanation of the Diagrams and Illustrations
- Roman Catholic Christians and Jesuit Hypocrites
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0