Luther's Two Catechisms Explained By Himself translated by John Lenker

This is a great little volume, and good introduction for those who’ve never read any Luther, or especially for those who’ve been taught about him, but have never let the great Reformer speak for himself.
From The Introduction
“It was in a university library (Erfurt, 1503) that Luther found the Bible, and he dedicated his life to the Bible (or Church), to the School and to the Library.
“The name Martin Luther is a synonym for Protestantism; for Free Government; for Free Schools, and for Free Libraries.
“We need more Lutherism in Lutheranism as well as in Protestantism. The Luther literature is the basis of Lutheran and Protestant literature. We should therefore build on the foundation already laid and not continually dig and dig to lay new foundations.
“Luther is not being translated into English for a relic, but for use, for work, for battle. He comes to editorial rooms not only for a review but for service.
“No English Protestant minister can afford to be without Luther’s works in English, his sermons and commentaries.
“Luther stood up for us, we ought to stand up for him.
— Rev. John Lenker
About John Lenker
John Nicholas Lenker (1858-1929) was educated at Hamma Divinity School (Ohio Synod), and served pastorates in Grand Island, Nebraska, the General Synod’s Board of Christian Extension, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Before moving to Minneapolis he served as professor in the Trinity Seminary of the United Danish Ev. Luth Church. Prof. Lenker founded Luther Press which translated and published affordable, high quality editions of Luther’s House and Church Postil sermons, copies of which are still used today.
Clear print, large format quality paperback available on Amazon by the Lutheran Librarian
Book Contents
- About The Lutheran Library
- Dedication
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- Thoughts To Help Luther Into English.
- l. The Law, Faith and Prayer
- I. The Ten Commandments.
- II. The Apostles’ Creed.
- III. The Lord’s Prayer.
- 2 The Three Universal Creeds
- The First Creed Or Confession
- The Second Creed Or Confession
- The Third Creed Or Confession
- 3 The Lord’s Prayer Explained
- Preface.
- First, the Manner: How we should Pray.
- Second, The Words: What We Should Pray.
- The Beginning And Preparation.
- Division Of The Lord’s Prayer.
- 4 Sermon on Holy Baptism
- 5 Instructions on Confession
- 6 Benefits of The Lord’s Supper.
- Admonition to Receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord.
- First Reason For Partaking Of The Lord’s Supper Is The Glory It Gives God.
- Second Reason For Partaking Of The Lord’s Supper Is The Blessings It Confers Upon Ourselves.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0
- Updated v5.1 2020-02-20