Reasons Why I Cannot Return to the Church of Rome by Samuel McGerald

“In view of the persistent and unflagging efforts of my friends to win or force me back to the Roman faith, I am led to give the following reaosns why I cannot return to the church I broke away from sixty-five years ago…” -From the Foreword
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed.
- About the Lutheran Library
- Titlepage
- Frontispiece
- Contents
- Introduction
- Epigraph
- Foreword
- 1 The Glories of Mary
- 2 Rome an Apostate Church
- 3 The Roman Church Founded on Fraud
- 4 The Morals of the Papacy
- 5 The Greek Church, Not the Roman, the Mother Church
- 6 Private Judgment
- 7 A Bundle of Bones
- 8 A Monstrous Absurdity
- 9 Hard Nuts to Crack
- 10 First Strangled then Burnt
- 11 Afraid of the Truth
- 12 The Mariolatry Pendulum Swung to the Limit
- 13 The Apocrypha
- 14 The Roman Church Arrayed Against the Command of Christ
- 15 The Bible a Prohibited Book
- 16 The Creed of Pope Pius the Fourth
- 17 Blasphemous
- 18 Pilgrimages
- 19 The Origin of the Jesuits
- 20 Image Worship
- 21 The Holy Spirit, Not Peter or the Pope, the Vicar of Christ
- 22 Mary and Joseph Exalted Above Jesus
- 23 Modern Heathenism
- 24 Rome and Sin
- 25 Rome’s Astounding Ignorance of the Bible
- 26 The Roman Church the Arch Heretic of Christianity
- 27 What Next?
- 28 The Ideal of Hildebrand Still in Force
- 29 Rome’s Attitude Toward the English Bible
- 30 Rome Unsettled and Condemned
- 31 Purgatory and Its Inmates
- 32 Rome and Indulgences
- 33 A Noted Convert from Rome
- 34 Does the Pope Authorize the Murder of Heretics
- 35 Half Communion Declared Heretical by Popes
- 36 Worshipping God in a Dead Language
- 37 The Church of the Living God
- 38 Infallibility
- 39 Roman Penances
- 40 The Man of Sin, The Son of Perdition
- 41 A Bad Dream
- 42 Our English Bible
- 43 The Jesuits a Ruling Power
- 44 The Path to Purgatory Paved with Graft
- 45 The New Testament Against Them
- 46 The Roman Church and the Bible
- 47 The Temporaral Power of the Pope at an End
- 48 Decrees Concerning Purgatory
- 49 Rome the Antagonist of the Nation
- 50 A Deadly Blow Against the Old Historic Faith
- 51 They are Free Whom the Truth Makes Free
- 52 Protesting for the Truth
- 53 The Bible in Rome
- 54 The Church of Uncertainties
- 55 The Fall of Man and the Virgin Mary
- 56 Traffic in Masses
- 57 The Rulership of Men versus the Rulership of God
- 58 The Jesuit Oath
- 59 The Rights of the Popes and the Duties of Romish Rulers
- 60 Liguorianism Fatal to Holiness of Teaching
- 61 Heart Reason
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0