Stories Of Favorite Hymns: The Origin, Authorship, And Use Of Hymns We Love by William Hunton

“Hymns are a most important part of our worship. They mold character and often shape the lives of those who sing them.”
“The writing of these pages was an accident and a pleasure. An editorial emergency called forth the first article; our personal interest induced several others; then the interest of our readers requested the series. Favorable comments and the expressed desire of not a few to have the articles in permanent form explain the appearance of this volume.
“As a member of the committee which had charge of the preparation of the new Lutheran Common Service Book with Hymnal we were led to assemble a four foot shelf of books on Liturgies and Hymnology which volumes we have freely consulted… We trust that the work has been done in such a way as to give a new, fresh and interesting story of a number of the Favorite Hymns which are most widely loved and used. If the reader is as interested in the reading as we were in the writing then these chapters will have the fascination of fiction. — Rev. Hunton.
Why Read This Book?
To remember or experience the beauty and power of these spiritual songs for the first time, and to learn some of their stories and history.
Clear print, large format quality paperback available on Amazon by the Lutheran Librarian
Book Contents
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- Preface
- Advent Hymns
- Our Earliest Christmas Hymns
- Well Known Christmas Hymns
- Hymns For The New Year
- Epiphany Hymns
- Missionary Hymns
- Hymns Of Penitence
- Lenten Hymns
- Hymns For Palm Sunday
- Easter Hymns
- Shepherd Hymns
- Hymns Of The Ascension
- Hymns To The Holy Spirit
- Hymns To The Holy Trinity
- Hymns Of The Christian Life
- Hymns Of Christian Service
- Morning Hymns
- Evening Hymns
- A Hymn Of Petition And A Hymn Of Trust
- Luther’s Hymn Against The Turk And The Pope
- The Battle-Hymn Of Protestantism: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- Hymns On The Church
- Christian War Hymns
- Hymns Of Thanksgiving
- Patriotic Hymns
- Hymns Of Comfort
- Hymns Concerning Death And Burial
- General Favorites
- The Te Deum, A Great International Anthem
- How Can You Find Peace With God?
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0