Shadows Under The Midnight Sun by Ken Anderson

Hans Laub fell back, but he kept his balance. The Norwegian continued his advance, his fist loaded and aimed at its retreating target.
“Stop, swine!” Hans Laub bellowed. “Don’t come near me!”
But the Norwegian came, a step behind Laub’s backward movement.
When the Nazi was backed against a concrete mixer, flanked on one side by gravel and on the other by cement sacks, he cried, “Stop, I say! Bruno, where are you? Bruno! Tell your men to shoot!”
Bruno Schreckenbach was not on the scene, but a half dozen of his Gestapo men were. And from the position of one came the ghastly bark of a Krupp rifle. The Norwegian slumped at the feet of Hans Laub.
The Norwegian was dead!
Ken Anderson (1917-2007) wrote more than 70 Christian books for teenagers and adults. He is best known for producing the 1979 film version of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0