A History of the Inquistion of the Middle Ages by Henry Charles Lea

“An impartial account of all aspects of the Inquisition, including a review of the spiritual and intellectual movements of the Middle Ages, and a glance a the condition of society at certain of its phases.”
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
Book Contents
- About the Lutheran Library
- Title Page
- Preface
Book I. Detailed Contents
Book I. Origin and Organization of the Inquisition
- 1 The Church
- 2 Heresy
- 3 The Cathari
- 4 The Albigensian Crusades
- 5 Persecution
- 6 The Mendicant Orders
- 7 The Inquisition Founded
- 8 Organization
- 9 The Inquisitorial Process
- 10 Evidence
- 11 The Defence
- 12 The Sentence
- 13 Confiscation
- 14 The Stake
- Appendix
Book II. Detailed Contents
Book II. The Inquisition in the Several Lands of Christendom
- 1 Languedoc
- 2 France
- 3 The Spanish Peninsula
- 4 Italy
- 5 The Slavic Cathari
- 6 Germany
- 7 Bohemia
- 8 The Hussites
- Appendix of Documents
Book III. Detailed Contents
Book III. Special Fields of Inquisitorial Activity
- 1 The Spiritual Franciscans
- 2 Guglielma and Dolcino
- 3 The Fraticelli
- 4 Political Heresy Utilized by the Church
- 5 Political Heresy Utilized by the State
- 6 Sorcery and Occult Arts
- 7 Witchcraft
- 8 Intellect and Faith
- 9 Conclusion
- Appendix of Documents
- Index
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2025
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0