Fifty-Three Years in Syria by Henry Jessup

“In attempting to bring ’light into the dwellings’, Jessup’s mission faced problems such as the strong Muslim suspicion of Christians, a hostile government and the corruption of the existing Christian sects. One of the author’s strongest personal motivations was to educate and empower girls and women, whom he saw as oppressed by Islam. These volumes give us an unusual perspective on the history of Syria. Volume I covers the author’s arrival and first impressions, moving on to discuss the translation of the first Arabic Bible and the founding of the Syrian Protestant College. Volume II continues with Jessup reflecting on his later years in the region at the end of the turn of the last century. It also includes detailed appendices on the history of the American Mission in Syria.” -From Amazon Reviews

Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed.


  • About the Lutheran Library
  • Titlepage
  • Frontispiece
  • Dedication
  • Introduction
  • Prefatory Note
  • Contents
  • Illustrations
  • 1 The Preparation
  • 2 The Field in 1856
  • 3 The Seven Pioneers of Syria Mission Work
  • 4 The Arabic Bible
  • 5 Organization of a Native Evangelical Church
  • 6 Educational Foundation Stones
  • 7 Life in Tripoli
  • 8 The Massacre Summer of 1860
  • 9 Light After Darkness
  • 10 After the Massacres
  • 11 Further Growth
  • 12 Obstacles to Success
  • 13 The Syrian Protestant College
  • 14 Progress and Revival
  • 15 Furloughs
  • 16 A Critical Year
  • 17 Antonius Yanni
  • 18 Sundry Notes and Incidents
  • 19 Notable Visitors and Converts
  • 20 A Cholera Year
  • 21 Helps and Hindrances
  • 22 Mission Schools
  • 23 Sketches (1887)
  • 24 Three Years of Progress
  • 25 Marking Time
  • 26 A New Century Dawns
  • 27 The Whitening Fields
  • 28 My Latest Furlough
  • 29 Jubilee Times
  • 30 What Shall the Harvest Be?
  • Appendix 1: Missionaries in Syria Mission from 1819 to 1908
  • Appendix 2: The History - Bibliography
  • Appendix 3: American Medical Missionaries and Agencies in Syria Mission
  • Appendix 4: List of Mission Schools
  • Appendix 5: Outline of the History
  • Appendix 6: “Figures
  • Appendix 7: Statistics
  • Index

Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
  • Copyright: CC BY 4.0
