Christian Dogmatics by J. N. Kildahl

“This book possesses distinction as one of very few systematic theologies written from the viewpoint of Scandinavian-American Lutheran pietism, a movement which combined the Norwegian/Haugean and the Swedish/Rosenian traditions. It has been observed that, in general, the four major earmarks of pietism are experiential Christianity, Biblical focus, holy living, and opposition to formalism.
“Pietism held an important place among Scandinavian-Americans during portions of the 19th and 20th centuries, as evidenced, for example, by the various Lutheran synods it produced and the wide participation it fostered in such para-church organizations as the Hauge Inner Mission Federation, the Lutheran Bible Institute, and the Lutheran Evangelistic Movement. As such, it should not be lightly overlooked. — From the Introduction
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
Summary Contents
- Detailed Contents
- Preface
- Editor’s Preface
- Introduction to Christian Dogmatics
- I. God
- II. The Trinity
- III. Cosmology
- IV. Anthropology
- V. Christology
- VI. Soteriology
- VII. Pneumatology
- VIII. The Means of Grace
- IX. The Church
- X. The Last Things
- Appendixes
- 1 Theses on Election
- 2 The Work of Evangelists
Publication Information
- Originally published: 2020-03-07
- Edited by Jonathan D. Anderson.
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0