Sermons on the Eisenach Gospels by J Sheatsley

“One cannot continue long in the kingdom of God without in some way openly confessing the fact… There is a reason why a disciple of Jesus must soon confess Him… One of the sure evidences of your own pardon is a strong desire to tell others how they also may get the pardon.” -from Encouragement for Confessing Christ

Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed."


  • About the Lutheran Library
  • Foreword
  • Contents
    • Index of Sundays and Subjects
    • Index of Texts
  • The Song of Zacharias
  • The Coming of Christ’s Kingdom
  • The Baptist’s Call to Repentance
  • What Think Ye of Christ?
  • The Great Gift of God’s Son to the World
  • Fondling the Child-Child
  • Our Best New Year’s Greeting
  • The Signs of Our Times
  • Jesus’ Manifestation as the Messiah
  • Finding the Messiah
  • An Israelite in Whom is no Guile
  • The Giver of Living Water
  • The Fields are White to Harvest
  • The Christian’s Life Building
  • Jesus’ Testimony Concerning Unbelief
  • The Key to a Quiet and Blessed Life
  • I Am the Resurrection and the Life
  • The Way to True Greatness
  • The Two Crosses
  • Why Believers Should Rejoice
  • Three Types of Men in their Relation to Christ
  • The Bread of Life
  • Divine Glorification Through the Cross
  • Mary’s Loving Service to Her Savior
  • The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
  • Christ Lifted Up
  • The Lord is Risen Indeed
  • The Restoration of Peter to the Apostleship
  • Mansions in His Father’s House
  • Christ Glorified as the Savior of the World
  • Jesus Sifting His Disciples
  • Prayer
  • Our Ascended Lord
  • Christ the Source of All our Spiritual Supplies
  • The Gift of the Holy Ghost
  • The Revelation of the Blessed Trinity in the Work of Salvation
  • The Progress of God’s Kingdom
  • The Kingdom of Heaven for Sinners
  • How Sinners Get Into the Kingdom
  • The Believer’s Relation to the World
  • The Believer’s Relation to Christ
  • Obedience to the Father
  • The Hidden Growth of the Believer
  • The True Brotherhood of Jesus
  • The Kingdom of God as a Hidden Treasure
  • A Mighty Warning Against Unbelief
  • We Love God Because He First Lvoed Us
  • The Way to True Freedom
  • Jesus at the Temple Treasury
  • The Way to Wholeness in the Kingdom of God
  • Tribulation Among God’s Children
  • Ye Shall Find Rest Unto Your Souls
  • The Observance of the Sabbath
  • The Character of the Rich Young Ruler
  • The Blessedness of Spiritual Vision
  • Be Ye Fruitful
  • The Relation of Little Children to the Kingdom of God
  • Complete Self-Surrender to Jesus
  • Encouragement for Confessing Christ
  • The Blessedness of Jesus’ Sheep
  • The Great Work of Christ
  • Occupy Till I Come
  • Be Ye Ready
  • Harvest Home
  • God’s House as the House of Prayer

Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
  • Copyright: CC BY 4.0
