The Book of Psalms: A Translation and Commentary by Augustus Tholuck

“The fine Christian spirit and unassuming intelligence which pervade the writings of Dr Tholuck have not only endeared him to theologians and intelligent Christians on the Continent, but secured for him a large number of admirers in this country…My prayer is that the blessing of God may attend the perusal of this commentary.” - The Translator

Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed.


  • About the Lutheran Library
  • Titlepage
  • Contents
  • Translator’s Preface
  • Preface to the English Edition
  • Preface to the German Edition
  • Introduction
    • 1 The Prayer of the Christian Church
    • 2 The Form, Division, Design and Use of the Psalter in Old Testament Times
    • 3 The Authors of the Psalms
    • 4 Doctrine and Ethics of the Psalms
      • 1 God and the Government of the World
      • 2 Man and Sin
      • 3 The Piety and Morality of the Psalmists
      • 4 The Future
      • 5 The Messiah
  • Commentary on The Psalms

Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
  • Copyright: CC BY 4.0
