Sayings and Doings of Luther by John Gottlieb Morris

“Of thirteen hundred and forty-three books… written on the subject of Luther… not one is like this one… Some may think that I should have given my authorities and references; but as the book was (made) for plain readers… the mention of which would have interrupted the narrative and been of no service. - John G Morris”

Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed.


  • About the Lutheran Library
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Predictions
  • Luther’s Parents
  • The Name of Luther
  • Luther’s Birthplace
  • Luther’s Early Life
  • Convent Life and Conversion
  • Consecration to the Priesthood
  • Industry of Luther
  • Courage of Luther
  • Luther’s Learning
  • Luther as a Sacred Poet
  • Hospitality, Charity and Poetry
  • Abstinence
  • Luther’s Asperity of Style and Manners
  • Morals of Luther
  • Personal Appearance and Manners of Luther
  • Modesty of Luther
  • Luther a Man of Prayer
  • Confidence in Doctrine
  • Eloquence of Luther
  • Luther as a Preacher
  • Luther’s Love of Music
  • Humor of Luther
  • Adversaries
  • Slanders against Luther
  • Perils of Luther
  • Luther’s Escutcheon, or Coat-of-arms
  • General Character of Luther
  • Condescension of Luther
  • Recreations of Luther
  • Fables and Parables of Luther
  • Miscellaneous
  • Medals and Inscriptions
  • Sicknesses of Luther
  • Last Days, Death, and Burial

Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
  • Copyright: CC BY 4.0
Martin Luther
Martin Luther
