The Gospel Selections of the Ancient Church: An Exegetical-Homiletical Treatment by R.C.H. Lenski

“The need of a more adequate exegetical-homiletical treatment of the ancient gospel and epistle selections has long been felt. The manager of the Lutheran Book Concern has commissioned the writer of these lines to meet this need.” — R.C.H. Lenski
“No Calvinistic preacher has ever produced a Postil, — the term derived from post illa (sc. verba), meaning “after those words,” i.e. the sermon spoken after reading the words of the text. Among the sermon books of all time Luther’s Postil stands in the front rank. Great is the number of other Postils. All of them expound the anciently chosen texts. Often they were called Sermons for the Church Year; many of them bore specific and beautiful titles. All these preachers knew only one form of preaching, namely the expository, which sticks to the text and unfolds to the hearers the saving contents of the text.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Dr. Lenski’s sermons are found in these books:
- Gospel Selections of the Ancient Church.
- Epistle Selections of the Ancient Church.
- Eisenach Gospel Selections..
- Eisenach Epistle Selections.
- Eisenach Old Testament Selections.
- New Gospel Selections.
Richard C. H. Lenski (1864-1936) is best known for his insightful and still invaluable series of New Testament Commentaries. He served as Professor of Theology at Capital University and President of the Western District of Joint Synod of Ohio and Editor Die Lutherische Kirchenzeitung.
“A truly magnificent conception is presented to us in the so-called Christian Church Year. Adopted in the earliest centuries, the Church Year comes to us as a most valuable inheritance.
Book Contents
- Index of Scripture Texts
- Contents
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- General Introduction: The Christian Church Year And Christian Preaching
- The Festival Half Of The Church Year From The First Sunday in Advent to The Festival of The Trinity The Savior In the Supreme Divine Events on Which our Salvation Rests
- The Christmas Cycle: The Savior’s Coming
- The First Sunday In Advent. Matt. 21:1-9
- The Second Sunday In Advent. Luke 21:25-36
- The Third Sunday In Advent. Matt. 11:2-10
- The Fourth Sunday In Advent. John 1:19-28
- Christmas. Luke 2:1-14
- Second Christmas Day. Matt. 23:34-39
- The Sunday After Christmas. Luke 2:33-40
- The Circumcision Of Christ (New Year). Luke 2:21
- The Sunday After New Year. Matt. 2:13-23
- The Epiphany Cycle
- Epiphany. Matt. 2:1-12
- The First Sunday After Epiphany. Luke 2:41-52
- The Second Sunday After Epiphany. John 2:1-11
- The Third Sunday After Epiphany. Matt. 8:1-13
- The Fourth Sunday After Epiphany. Matt. 8:23-27
- The Fifth Sunday After Epiphany. Matt. 13:24-30
- The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany. Matt. 17:1-9
- The Lenten Cycle: The Savior’s Redemption
- Septuagesima. Matt. 20:1-16
- Sexagesima. Luke 8:4-15
- Quinquagesima. Luke 18:31-43
- Invocavit. Matt. 4:1-11
- Reminiscere. Matt. 15:21-28
- Oculi. Luke 11:14-28
- Laetare. John 6:1-15
- Judica. John 8:46-59
- Palm Sunday. Matt. 21:1-9
- Maundy Thursday. John 13:1-15
- Good Friday. No Text
- The Easter Cycle: The Savior’s Triumph
- Easter. Mark 16:1-8
- Easter Monday. Luke 24:13-35
- Quasimodogeniti. John 20:19-31
- Misericordias Domini. John 10:11-16
- Jubilate. John 16:16-23
- The Pentecost Cycle: The Savior’s Mission of the Holy Spirit
- Cantate. John 16:5-15
- Rogate. John 16:23-30
- Ascension Day. Mark 16:14-20
- Exaudi. John 15:26 To 16:4
- Pentecost. John 14:23-31
- The Day After Pentecost. John 3:16-21
- The Christmas Cycle: The Savior’s Coming
- The Non-Festival Half Of The Church Year The Twenty-Seven Sundays After Trinity The Saved From Their Reception of Salvation to the Consummation
- The First After-Trinity Cycle
- The Festival Of Trinity. John 3:1-15
- The First Sunday After Trinity. Luke 16:19-31
- The Second Sunday After Trinity. Luke 14:16-24
- The Third Sunday After Trinity. Luke 15:1-10
- The Fourth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 6:36-42
- The Fifth Sunday After Trinity. Luke V. 1-11
- The Second After-Trinity Cycle
- The Sixth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 5:20-26
- The Seventh Sunday After Trinity. Mark 8:1-9
- The Eighth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 7:15-23
- The Ninth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 16:1-9
- The Tenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 19:41-48
- The Eleventh Sunday After Trinity. Luke 18:9-14
- The Third After-Trinity Cycle
- The Twelfth Sunday After Trinity. Mark 7:31-37
- The Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 10:23-37
- The Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 17:11-19
- The Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 6:24-34
- The Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 7:11-17
- The Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 14:1-11
- The Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 22:34-46
- The Fourth And Last After-Trinity Cycle
- The Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 9:1-8
- The Twentieth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 22:1-14
- The Twenty-First Sunday After Trinity. John 4:46-54
- The Twenty-Second Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 18:23-35
- The Twenty-Third Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 22:15-22
- The Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 9:18-26
- The Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 24:15-28
- The Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 25:31-46
- The Twenty-Seventh Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 25:1-13
- The Reformation Festival Matt. 11:12-15
- The Mission Festival Matt. 9:36-38
- The First After-Trinity Cycle
- Copyright Notice
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2021
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0