The Sheepfold and The Common or 'The Evangelical Rambler' by Timothy East

If you are looking for something different to add to your daily devotions, you might find Timothy East’s book “Evangelical Ramblings” enlivening. East’s strongly evangelical and methodist perspective is a good counterweight to the lackadaisical Lutheranism we’ve discussed in the past.
It was popular in England a century plus ago and describes the interactions between a Christian traveling across the UK and people he meets in all classes of life. Easy reading. -LL
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
- About the Lutheran Library
- Original Cover
- Frontispiece
- Titlepage
- Preface
Volume 1
- Contents Vol 1
- List of Illustrations Vol 1
- The Lonely Widow
- The Widow’s Son
- The Widow’s Son Reclaimed
- Fairmount
- A Morning’s Ramble
- The Horningsham Sailor
- The Rector of Broadhurst
- A Visit to the Rectory
- Saturday Evening at Fairmount
- A Sabbath Morning at Fairmount
- Sabbath Evening at Fairmount
- The Bible Disdained
- The Bible Precious
- The Family of the Roscoes
- The Social Party
- Miss Roscoe
- A Village Funeral
- Miss Roscoe withdraws from Gay Life
- Fresh Perplexities
- The Religious Party
- Miss Roscoe
- The Family of the Lawsons
- Calm Discussion
- Self-Delusion
- A Night Calamity
- A Surprise
- The Consultaiton
- The Dark Vale Illumined
- Intemperate Zeal
- Baptismal Regeneration a Fiction
- The Retired Christian
- Spiritual Regeneration a Reality
- The Evidences of Spiritual Regeneration
- On Conversion
- The Tendency of Evangelical Preaching
- On Attending an Evangelical Ministry
- The Unhappy One
- The Scene Changes
- The Tractarian at Fault
- The Popular Delusion
- The Churchman’s Lament
- Right at Last
- The Quakeress
- An Escape from a False Refuge
- Christmas
- Winter Scenes
- On Apostolical Succession
Volume 2
- Volume 2 Contents
- Old Rachel, the Blind Woman
- Diversity of Opinion very Natural
- Union without Compromise
- The Stage Coach
- A Sabbath in London
- The Sceptic’s Visit
- A Renewed Encounter
- The Effect of a Word Spoken in Season
- The Family of the Holmes
- A Misfortune often a Blessing in Disguise
- Christian Experience
- Doubts and Perplexities
- Theatrical Amusements, Part 1
- Theatrical Amusesments, Part 2
- Unitarianism Renounced
- The Path of Truth Forsaken
- The Fruits of Apostasy
- The Farm House Kitchen
- A Party at the Elms
- Family Sketches
- Amusements
- The Unhappy Attachment
- A Sequel to the Foregoing
- The Village Chapel
- Village Characters
- The Pious Cottagee
- The Closing Scene of the Young Christian’s Career
- The Happy Marriage
- An Old Friendship Revived
- The Wanderer’s Return
- A Struggle for Life
- The Sceptic Reclaimed
- The Rector’s Death Bed
- The Rector’s Funeral
- The New Rectors
- A Secession at Broadhurst
- A Farewell to Old Friends
- Conclusion
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0