The Lutheran Pastor by George Henry Gerberding

“The object of a pastoral theology is to enable men to be true pastors… Right conduct and action should always grow from right principles… Now, the fundamental principles of Lutheran faith and theology are different from those of the Reformed Churches. There is a difference in doctrine. Because of this there must of necessity be a difference in spirit, which will manifest itself in a difference in life.” - George Gerberding, from the Introduction
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge useful.
- Works of Prof. Gerberding
- Titlepage
- Dedication
- Preface to Second Edition
- Introduction
- Table of Contents
Part 1: The Pastor’s Office and Call
- The Pastor’s Office
- The Pastor’s Call - The Inner or Preparatory Call
- The External or Official Call
- Ordination - And the Call from One Field of Labor to Another
Part 2: The Pastor as a Man
- In His Personal Character and in Society
- In His Study
- In His Closet
Part 3: The Pastor’s General Work - General Seelsorge
- Taking the Oversight - AS Head of His Congregation or Parish
- Guarding the Good Name and the Altar of His Church - Church Discipline
Part 4: The Pastor in the Sanctuary
- In the Pulpit - Preaching the Word
- At the Altar - Leading the Worship of the Congregation
- Baptizing
- Catchising and Confirming
- Conducting the Service Preparatory to the Holy Communion
- Administering the Holy Communion
- Performing the Marriage Ceremony
- Ministering to the Bereaved - Burying the Dead
Part 5: The Pastor’s Private Work - Special or Private Seelsorge
- Significance - Principles and Importance of Private Seelsorge
- The Pastor Visiting
- Visiting Special Classes
- Visiting the Sick
Part 6: The Pastor’s Relation to Synod and Conference - His Vacation - Conclusion
- The Pastor’s Relation to Synod and Conference
- Vacation - Conclusion - Reward
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0

Studied under Charles Krauth and C. F. Schaeffer and assisted the Rev. Passavant. An indefatigable worker, he established and restored churches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Fargo, ND. His Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church was one of the most successful books ever published by the English Lutheran Church.