Day by Day We Magnify Thee: Daily Meditations from Luther's Writings arranged according to the Year of the Church by Margarete Steiner and Percy Scott

Short devotionals for every day of the year.
“I am very glad to have the honor and pleasure of being invited to contribute a short word of commendation of this series of devotional readings, selected from the writings of Martin Luther and arranged according to the ecclesiastical calendar of the Christian Year. - Norman Sykes”
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
- Foreword
- Preface
- First Week in Advent
- Second Week in Advent
- Third Week in Advent
- Fourth Week in Advent
- Christmas
- New Year’s
- Epiphany
- First Week after Epiphany
- Second Week after Epiphany
- Third Week after Epiphany
- Fourth Week after Epiphany
- Fifth Week after Epiphany
- Sixth Week after Epiphany
- From Epiphany to Lent
- Septuagesima
- Sexagesima
- Quinquagesima
- Lent
- Invocavit
- Reminiscere
- Oculi
- Laetare
- Judica
- Palm Sunday
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Easter
- Quasimododogeniti
- Miserecordias Domini
- Jubilate
- Cantate
- Rogate
- Ascension Day
- Whitsuntide
- Exaudi
- Whitsuntide
- Trinity Sunday
- Trinity 1: St John Baptist, The Church of Sanctification
- First Week after Trinity
- Second Week after Trinity
- Third Week after Trinity
- Fourth Week after Trinity
- Fifth Week after Trinity
- Sixth Week after Trinity
- Seventh Week after Trinity
- Eighth Week after Trinity
- Trinity 2: St Lawrence, The Church of Love
- Ninth Week after Trinity
- Tenth Week after Trinity
- Eleventh Week after Trinity
- Twelfth Week after Trinity
- Thirteenth Week after Trinity
- Fourteenth Week after Trinity
- Fifteenth Week after Trinity
- Sixteenth Week after Trinity
- Trinity 3: St. Michael, The Church Militant
- Seventeenth Week after Trinity
- Eighteenth Week after Trinity
- Nineteenth Week after Trinity
- Twentieth Week after Trinity
- Twenty-First Week after Trinity
- Twenty-Second Week after Trinity
- Trinity 4: The End of the Church Year, The Church of the Consummation
- Twenty-third Week after Trinity
- Twenty-fourth Week after Trinity
- Twenty-fifth Week after Trinity
- Twenty-sixth Week after Trinity
- Twenty-seventh Week after Trinity
- Harvest Thanksgiving
- The Feast of the Reformation
- The Day of Penitence
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0