The Voice of Christian Life in Song; Hymns and Hymn Writers of Many Lands and Ages by Elizabeth Rundle Charles

“The Christian men of former times…are still our fathers; and their creed… is our precious and sacred heritage… The treasures of sacred song… may serve to illustrate that unity of faith which binds one age to another through the communion of Saints.” -from the Preface
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed.
- About the Lutheran Library
- Titlepage
- Preface
- Contents
- 1 Hymns of the Bible
- 2 The “Tersanctus,” The “Gloria in Excelsis,” and the “Te Deum
- 3 The Anonymous Greek Hymns
- 4 Clement of Alexandria, Ephraem Syrus, and Gregory of Nazianzum
- 5 St Ambrose and the Ambrosian Hymns
- 6 Gregory the Great, Venantius Fortunatus, and the Venerable Bede
- 7 St Bernard
- 8 Medieval Hymns
- 9 Medieval Religion
- 10 The Hymns of Germany
- 11 Swedish Hymns
- 12 English Hymns
- 13 Hymns of the Church of Rome Since the Reformation
- 14 Conclusion
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0