Martin Luther's Church Postil - The Complete Lenker Edition in One Volume

Luther considered his Church Postil “The Best of all His Books”. This is the Biblical, expository, evangelical, Christ-centered preaching for which Luther should be remembered. Read these sermons and be blessed.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Book Contents
About The Lutheran Library
List of Scripture Passages
Preface by Lutheran Librarian
Reason for the Church Postils
- First Sunday in Advent. Christ Enters Jerusalem: or Faith; Good Works; and the Spiritual Meaning of This Gospel.
- Second Sunday in Advent. Christ’s Second Coming: or the Signs of the Day of Judgment; and the Comfort Christians Have from Them.
- Third Sunday in Advent. John in Prison: or Christ’s Answer to John’s Question; His Praise of John; and the Application of This Gospel.
- Fourth Sunday in Advent. The Witness and Confession of John the Baptist; and the Spiritual Meaning of His Witness.
- Christmas. The Story of the Birth of Jesus; and the Angels’ Song. The Flight into Egypt.
- Second Christmas Day. The Fruits and Signs of the Power of the Word of God. The Angel of the Lord and Shepherds.
- Third Christmas Day or Principal Service. Christ’s Titles of Honor; His Coming; His Incarnation; and the Revelation of His Glory; All Things Were Made by God.
- St. Stephen’s Day. The Christian Teaching Concerning Reason and Faith. God’s Warning. The Teaching Concerning Reason and Natural Light.
- Day of St. John the Evangelist. Everyone Should Honor His Calling and Be Content in It. The Lord’s Supper.
- Sunday after Christmas. Simeon; Anna; and the Childhood of Jesus. Jesus in the Temple.
- New Year’s Day. The Circumcision and Naming of Jesus. Angel of the Lord.
- Epiphany. The Story and Spiritual Meaning of This Gospel. The Wise Men.
- First Sunday after Epiphany. Jesus Among the Doctors, or An Example of Cross-Bearing. Jesus in the Temple.
- First Sunday after Epiphany Second Sermon. An Example of Severe Suffering.
- Second Sunday after Epiphany. Marriage at Cana. Jesus Turns Water into Wine
- Third Sunday after Epiphany. Christ heals the Centurion’s Servant, or Two Examples of Faith and Love. The Faith and Baptism of Children. The Thankful Leper.
- Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Christ stilling the Tempest, or Faith and Unbelief, and Love Jesus Asleep in the Storm.
- Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. The Parable of the Tares.
- Septuagesima Sunday. The Labourers in the Vineyard.
- Sexagesima Sunday. Parable of the Sower.
- Quinquagesima Sunday. Christ’s Passion and the Faith and Love of the Blind Man. The Blind Man Received his Sight.
- Invocavit First Sunday in Lent. The Fast and the Temptation of Christ. Temptation by the Devil.
- Reminiscere. Second Sunday in Lent. The Faith of the Syrophenician Woman. Woman at the Well.
- Oculi. Third Sunday in Lent. Jesus Casts out a Demon, or Christ’s Defense against his Blasphemers. The Gospel.
- Laetare. Fourth Sunday in Lent. Jesus Feeds 5000 People Feeding the Five Thousand.
- Judica. Fifth Sunday in Lent. The Jews Try to Stone Jesus, or Christ Defends Himself Against His Enemies.
- Palm Sunday. Christ Entry into Jerusalem.
- Confession and the Lord’s Supper.
- Easter Sunday. The Fruit and Power of Christ’s Resurrection. A Fine Sermon on the Reception of the Lord’s Supper. The Resurrection.
- Easter Sunday. Second Sermon. The Story of Christ’s Resurrection. The Empty Tomb.
- Easter Sunday. Third Sermon. The Benefits and Comfort of Christ’s Resurrection
- Easter Monday, or Second Easter Day. Emmaus. Explanation of this Gospel and the Lord’s Supper Christ Died and Rose Again to Pay For Our Sins.
- Easter Monday. Second Emmaus Sermon. Three Thoughts Taught by This Gospel. The Last Day. Jesus Will Return.
- Easter Tuesday or Third Easter Day. Christ’s Manifestation after His Resurrection.
- Tuesday after Easter. Second Sermon. A Comforting Example and Picture of Christ.
- Quasimodo Sunday After Easter. Jesus Appears to His Disciples, or the Nature, Fruit, and Power of Faith. Doubting Thomas.
- Quasimodo. Sunday after Easter. Second Sermon. True Piety, the Law and Faith, and Love to our Neighbor.
- Quasimodo. Sunday After Easter. Third Sermon. The Fruit of Christ’s Resurrection.
- Quasimodo. Sunday after Easter. Fourth Sermon. Thomas Delivered from His Unbelief. Jesus Raises Lazarus.
- Misericordias Domini. Second Sunday after Easter. Christ’s Office and Kingdom, or How Christ Is the True Shepherd.
- Misericordias Domini. Second Sunday after Easter. Second Sermon. Preachers, Civil Authorities, and the Knowledge of Christ.
- Misericordias Domini. Second Sunday after Easter. Third Sermon. The Good Shepherd and His Sheep, or Christ’s Person, Office, and Rulership.
- Jubilate. The Third Sunday after Easter. How Christ Comforted His Disciples in View of His Departure.
- Jubilate, the Third Sunday after Easter. Second Sermon. Christ’s Death and Resurrection. Christ Comforts His Disciples, and the Joy of the World.
- Jubilate. The Third Sunday after Easter. Third Sermon. Christ’s Death and Resurrection. The Comfort Christ Ministers to His Disciples, and the World’s Joy.
- Cantate – The Fourth Sunday after Easter. How the Holy Spirit Convicts the World of Sin, Righteousness, Judgment.
- Cantate, the Fourth Sunday after Easter. Second Sermon. Sin, Righteousness, and the Cross.
- Cantate, the Fourth Sunday after Easter. Third Sermon. Christ’s Kingdom and the Convicting and Teaching Office of the Holy Spirit.
- Rogate. The Fifth Sunday after Easter. Christ’s Sermon on Prayer.
- Rogate, the Fifth Sunday after Easter. Second Sermon. Five Requisites of True Prayer.
- The Day of Christ’s Ascension into Heaven. Christ Commissions His Disciples to Preach the Gospel.
- The Day of Christ’s Ascension into Heaven. Second Sermon. Christ Upbraids His Disciples with Their Unbelief, And His Missionary Commission.
- The Day of Christ’s Ascension into Heaven. Third Sermon. The Hardness of the Disciples’ Hearts. Christ’s Missionary Commission, and the Signs Following.
- Exaudi, The Sunday after Christ’s Ascension. A Sermon of Comfort and Admonition.
- Exaudi. The Sunday after Christ’s Ascension. Second Sunday. The Holy Spirit and his Witness of Christ, and the Persecution of Christians Because of it.
- The Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit to Teach and Remind the Disciples of all Christ Taught.
- The Day of Pentecost. Second Sermon. Sermon of Comfort Christ Preaches to his Disciples; or Love to Christ and the Comfort of the Spirit.
- The Day of Pentecost. Third Sermon. The Promise of the Holy Spirit to Those Who Love Christ, and His Comfort Because of his Departure; or Christ Gives his Disciples a Five-Fold Promise.
- Pentecost Monday. Christ as Mediator and Savior and His Judgment on the World and Believers.
- Pentecost Monday. Second Sermon. God’s Love and Gifts in Christ, and Christ’s Judgment on the World and Believers.
- Pentecost Tuesday. The Preaching Office, the Preachers and Hearers.
- Pentecost Tuesday. Second Sermon. Three Classes of Preachers; or How We Enter the Sheepfold through Christ and the Sheep hear.
- Pentecost Wednesday. Faith and Coming to Christ, and the True Bread from Heaven.
- Trinity Sunday. The Holy Trinity, and Christ’s Conversation with Nicodemus on the New Birth.
- Trinity Sunday. Second Sermon. Christ’s Sermon to Nicodemus on the New Birth, and the Righteousness that Avails before God.
- First Sunday after Trinity. Examples of Unbelief and Faith. The Rich Man and Lazarus.
- Second Sunday after Trinity. The Great Supper and the Invitation
- Second Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Great Supper and the Guests.
- Third Sunday after Trinity. Christian Conduct Toward Sinners. The Parable of the Lost Sheep.
- Third Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Doctrine of Christian Liberty; Grace and the Forgiveness of Sins.
- Fourth Sunday after Trinity. A Lesson in Mercy – The Mote and the Beam.
- Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Right Conduct Toward One’s Enemies.
- Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Peter’s Miraculous Draught of Fish
- Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Faith, the Care of God, Our Daily Occupation, etc.
- Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Explanation of the Fifth Commandment. The Righteousness of the Pharisees.
- Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Fifth Commandment Explained.
- Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Third Sermon. Anger and Its Signs.
- Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Concerning Faith and Love. Jesus Feeds the Multitude.
- Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. An Admonition and a Consolation.
- Eighth Sunday after Trinity. Christ’s Warning Concerning False Prophets.
- Eighth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Beware of False Prophets.
- Eighth Sunday after Trinity. Third Sermon. Instructions Concerning False Prophets.
- Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Parable of the Unrighteous Steward.
- Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Defense of the True Doctrine of Faith, Works, etc.
- Tenth Sunday after Trinity. Prophecy of the Destruction of Jerusalem.
- Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. A Picture and an Example of a True Saint.
- Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Pharisee and the Publican.
- Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Concerning Faith and Love
- Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Christ Heals the Deaf Mute.
- Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. The Two Greatest Commandments and the Good Samaritan.
- Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Christ Praises the Gospel Dispensation and Gives a Picture of His Kingdom
- Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. The Miracle of Cleansing the Ten Lepers, a Portrayal of the Christian Life. The Thankful Leper.
- Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. God or Mammon, How Christians Should not be Anxious about their Food and Raiment God Furnishes Everything For Us.
- Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Incentive to Faith God Provides for Us.
- Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. The Son of the Widow of Nain Raised from the Dead.
- Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Resurrection of the Young Man of Nain.
- Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Christ Heals the Dropsical Man on the Sabbath, and on Humility Repentance.
- Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. The Two Greatest Commandments, and How Christ is David’s Son and David’s Lord. The First and Greatest Commandment.
- Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Law and the Gospel, Christ, The Pharisee and the Publican.
- Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. The Palsied Man Cured. Christ’s Kingdom, the Faith of Others, and the Power to Forgive Sins. Christ our Righteousness.
- Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Righteousness of the World and of the Christian, and the Power on Earth to Forgive Sins.
- Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Kingdom of Christ, the King’s Son’s Marriage and the Wedding Garment.
- Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity. Son of the nobleman of the Capernaum Healed, an Example of Faith.
- Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Faith in General and in Detail.
- Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity. Parable of the Unrighteous Steward. Doing the Father’s Will.
- Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity. Christ Answers the Question, If it were lawful to Give Tribute unto Caesar? I am the Vine.
- Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. The Pharisees’ Counsel put to Naught.
- Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Daughter of the Ruler of the Synagogue Raised from the Dead and the Woman with an Issue of Blood Healed; the Gospel and Christ. The Great Physician.
- Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Second Sermon. Two Examples of Faith, and Christ’s Call from the Dead.
- Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Trinity. The Destruction of the Jewish Kingdom, the Abomination of Desolation, and the End of the World. Christ Looking Down on Jerusalem.
- Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Christ’s Coming on the Last Day, and His Judgment of the Christians and the Godless. Christ’s Return.
- First Sunday in Advent. An Exhortation to Good Works. The Day of Grace. Word and Sacrament.
- Second Sunday in Advent. Exhortation to Bear with the Weak. The Word of Hope. Missions to the Heathen. The Holy Spirit.
- Third Sunday in Advent. Stewards of God’s Mysteries. Faithfulness in Stewards. Man’s Judgement and God’s Christ.
- Fourth Sunday in Advent. A Christian’s Conduct Toward God and Man. The Peace of God. Fruit of the Spirit.
- First Christmas Sermon. Christmas Eve Service. The Appearing of the Grace of God. Worldly Lusts. The Christian Life Christ’s Ascension.
- Second Christmas Sermon. Early Christmas Morning Service. God’s Grace Received and Good Works to Our Neighbor. The Good Samaritan.
- Third Christmas Sermon. Christmas Morning Sermon. The Divinity of Christ. Our Heavenly Home.
- St. Stephen’s Day. Stephen an Example of Christian Faith, Zeal and Love. Building Churches. Authority of Laymen to Preach Belief and Baptism Saves.
- St. John’s Day. Exhortation to Piety and Righteousness. He is the Vine, We are the Branches.
- Sunday after Christmas. The People of Law and of Grace. Justification by Faith.
- New Year’s Day. The Law and Its Works. Faith. Unity in Christ God Saves Us.
- Epiphany. The Conversion of the Heathen. The True Light. The Light of the World.
- First Sunday after Epiphany. The Fruits of Faith. Our Spiritual Service.
- Second Sunday after Epiphany. The Gifts and Works of Christ’s Members. Our Christian Duty.
- Third Sunday after Epiphany. Christian Revenge.
- Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Christian Love and the Command To Love.
- Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. The Glorious Adornment of Christians.
- Septuagesima. Third Sunday before Lent. The Christian Race for the Prize
- Sexagesima. Second Sunday before Lent. Paul’s Glory in His Labor and Sufferings
- Quinquagesima. Sunday before Lent. Paul’s Praise of Christian Love.
- Invocavit. First Sunday in Lent. An Entreaty to Live as Christians.
- Reminiscere. Second Sunday in Lent. Exhortation to Holiness.
- Oculi. Third Sunday in Lent. Exhortation to be Imitators of God.
- Laetare. Fourth Sunday in Lent. The Children of Promise.
- Judica. Fifth Sunday in Lent. Christ Our Great High Priest.
- Palm Sunday. Christ an Example of Love. Christ’s Humiliation and Exaltation.
- Easter Sunday. Purging Out the Old Leaven and the New Easter Festival of Christians.
- Easter Monday. Peter’s Sermon on the Blessings of Christ’s Resurrection.
- Easter Tuesday. Paul’s Sermon on the Power and Blessings of Christ’s Resurrection.
- Easter Tuesday. Second Sermon. The Divine Word and the Resurrection.
- Easter Wednesday. Also Suited to Easter Tuesday. The Fruit That Follows Belief in the Resurrection.
- Quasimodogeniti. Sunday after Easter. The Victory of Faith and the Witness of the Holy Spirit Through Baptism.
- Misericordias Domini. Second Sunday after Easter. Exhortation to Patience by Christ’s Example in Suffering.
- Jubilate. Third Sunday after Easter. Our Christian Duties. An Exhortation to the New Christian Life.
- Jubilate. Second Sermon. The Resurrection of the Dead.
- Cantate. Fourth Sunday after Easter. The Resurrection of the Dead.
- Cantate. Second Sermon. Our Gifts and Duties.
- Rogate. Fifth Sunday after Easter. The Change of Our Mortal Body and the Destruction of Death.
- Ascension Day.
- Exaudi. Sunday after Ascension. Soberness in Prayer and Fervency in Love, and the Proper Functions of Church Officers.
- Pentecost. The History of Pentecost.
- Pentecost Monday. Peter’s Sermon on Joel’s Prophecy on the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
- Pentecost Tuesday. The Good Shepherd.
- Pentecost Tuesday, Second Sermon.
- Pentecost Wednesday.
- Trinity Sunday. The Article of Faith on the Trinity. The Revelation of the Divine Nature and Will.
- Trinity Sunday. Second Sermon. The Trinity.
- First Sunday after Trinity. God Is Love.
- Second Sunday. Exhortation to Brotherly Love.
- Third Sunday after Trinity. Humility, Trust, Watchfulness, Suffering.
- Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Consolation in Suffering and Patience. Waiting for the Revealing of the Sons of God.
- Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Suffering, Waiting and Sighing of Creation.
- Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Exhortation to the Fruits of Faith. Duty of Unity and Love.
- Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Exhortation to Christian Living. Life in Christ.
- Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Exhortation to Resist Sin. The Wages of Sin and the Gift of God.
- Eighth Sunday after Trinity. Exhortation to Live in the Spirit Since We Have Become the Children of God, Sons and Heirs.
- Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Warning to Christians Against Carnal Security and Its Evils.
- Tenth Sunday after Trinity. Spiritual Counsel for Church Officers. The Use of the Spiritual Gifts.
- Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Paul’s Witness to Christ’s Resurrection.
- Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. The Twofold Use of the Law and the Gospel. “Letter” and “Spirit”.
- Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. God’s Testament and Promise in Christ, and Use of the Law.
- Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. Works of the Flesh and Fruits of the Spirit.
- Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Conduct of Christians to One Another in Church Government. Sowing and Reaping.
- Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Paul’s Care and Prayer for the Church That It May Continue to Abide in Christ.
- Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Ephesians 4:1-6. Exhortation to Live According to the Christian Calling, and in the Unity of the Spirit.
- Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. The Treasure Christians Have in the Preaching of the Gospel. The Call to Fellowship.
- Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Putting on the New Man and Laying Off the Old Man.
- Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. The Careful Walk of the Christian and Redeeming the Time
- Twenty First Sunday after Trinity. The Christian Armor and Weapons.
- Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity. Paul’s Thanks and Prayers for His Churches.
- Twenty Third Sunday after Trinity. The Enemies of the Cross of Christ and the Christian’s Citizenship in Heaven
- Twenty Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Knowledge of God’s Will and Its Fruits. Prayer and Spiritual Knowledge
- Twenty Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Christ Will Take Both Alike to Himself, the Dead and Living, When He Comes.
- Twenty Sixth Sunday after Trinity. God’s Righteous Judgment in the Future. When Christ Comes.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2022
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0