Sermons of Theophilus Stork: A Devotional Treasure

“There are many of us who believe; we are convinced; but our souls do not take fire at contact with the truth. Happy he who not only believes, but believes with fire.
“It is not necessary to suppose that Dr. Stork believed the truths of the Gospel, which he loved to preach, more deeply than others of his brethren; but his was that happy constitution of soul which, when it embraces a truth, embraces it with ardor and believes it with energy. Truth, as he meditated it, not only convinced him, but also kindled in him enthusiasm.
“This energy of belief, this ardor of conviction, made the commonplaces of the Gospel, the old, old story, seem in his utterance something fresh and irresistibly attractive. Men listened to old truths from his lips as though they were a new revelation. They were new, for they came out of a heart that new coined them and stamped its own impress of vitality upon them as they passed through its experience… – From the Introduction
Book Contents
- Preface.
- 1 “I Go A Fishing.” John 21:3-4.
- 2 Mary And Martha. Luke 10:38-39.
- 3 Wanderings And Tears. Psalm 56:8
- 4 Flight In Winter. Mark 13:18.
- 5 The Publican’s Prayer. Luke 18:13.
- 6 Peter’s False Humility. John 13:8.
- 7 The Voice From Heaven. Rev. 11:12.
- 8 The Stone On The Sepulchre. Mark 16:3-4.
- 9 The Fading Leaf. Isaiah 64:6.
- 10 The Man Of Sorrows. Isaiah 53:3.
- 11 Christ’s Loneliness. John 16:32.
- 12 The Lie To The Holy Ghost. Acts 5:3,4.
- 13 “What Is That To Thee?” John 12:22-23.
- 14 The Widows Mites. Luke 21:1-4
- 15 Christ’s Sigh. Mark 7:34.
- 16 Hagar, The Mother. Gen. 21:17-18.
- 17 Temptation. Matt. 6:13.
- 18 Through A Glass. 1 Cor. 13:12.
- 19 The Marks Of The Lord Jesus. Gal. 6:17.
- 20 The Problem Of Life. Eccles. 1:3-4.
- 21 Lingering Lot. Genesis 19:16.
- 22 Elisha And The Children. 2 Kings 2:23-24.
- 23 Mary Magdalene. Luke 7:37-38.
- 24 The Power Of Conscience. Mark 6:16.
- 25 Parting. 2 Kings 2:12
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2019-08-08
- Updated: 2019-10-02 (v5)
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0