Life of Mohammed by Rev. George Bush
“…one grand object [of this book]…is to put the whole system of [the Prophet’s] imposture where it belongs, in the great scheme of the Divine administration of the world. - from the Preface”
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
- About the Lutheran Library
- Frontispiece
- Titlepage
- Preface
- Contents
- Introduction
- 1 National Descent of the Arabs - Proved to be from Ishmael
- 2 Birth and Parentage of Mohammed
- 3 Mohammed forms the Design of palming a new Religion upon the World
- 4 The Prophet announces his Mission
- 5 Mohammed not discouraged by Opposition
- 6 The Koreish exasperated and alarmed by Mohammed’s Success
- 7 The Prophet pretends to have had a Night-journey through the Seven Heavens
- 8 An Embassy sent to the Prophet from Medina
- 9 The Prophet now raised to a high Pitch of Dignity
- 10 Mohammed alters the Kebla
- 11 The Koreish undertake a new Expedition against the Prophet
- 12 The Jews the special Objects of Mohammed’s Enmity
- 13 Mohammed alleges a Breach of Faith on the Part of the Meccans, and marches an Army against them
- 14 The Religion of the Prophet firmly established - the principle Countries sujbected by him
- 15 Reflections upon the extraordinary Career of Mohammed
- 16 Account of the Prophet’s Wives
- Appendix A - Inspired Prophecies considered
- Appendix B - The Caaba and Pilgrimage to Mecca
- Appendix C - The Koran
- Appendix D - Mohammedan Confession of Faith
- Appendix E - Account of Authors
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0