The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects by James Aitken Wylie.

The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects “…combines at once the rare qualites of clear statement, vigorous logic, and eloquent style. Its tone and spirit are worthy of an Evangelical Alliance.” - Baptist Magazine
- About the Lutheran Library
- Other Works by Wylie
- Dedication
- Evangelical Alliance
- Contents
Book 1. History of the Papacy
- Origin of the Papacy
- Rise and Progress of Ecclesiastical Supremacy
- Rise and Progress of the Temporal Sovereignty
- Rise and Progress of the temporal Supremacy
- Foundation and Extent of the Supremacy
- The Canon Law
- Church of Rome Neither Has Nor Can Renounce Her Principles on the Supremacy
Book 2. Dogmas of the Papacy
- The Popish Theology
- Scripture and tradition
- Of Reading the Scriptures
- Unity of the Church of Rome
- Catholicity of the Church of Rome
- Apostolicity, or Peter’s Primacy
- Infallibility
- No Salvation out of the Church of Rome
- Original Sin
- Of Justification
- Of the Sacraments
- Baptism and Confirmation
- The Eucharist - Transubstantiation - The Mass
- Of Penance and Confession
- Of Indulgences
- Of Purgatory
- Of the Worship of Images
- Of the Worshipping of Saints
- The Worship of the Virgin Mary
- Faith Not to be Kept with Heretics
Book 3. Genius and Influence of the Papacy
- Genius of the Papacy
- Influence of Popery on the Individual Man
- Influence of Popery on Government
- Influence of Popery on the Moral and Religious Condition of Nations
- Influence of Popery on the Intellectual and Political Condition of Nations
Book 4. Present Policy and Prospects of the Papacy
- Sham Reform and Real Re-Action
- New Catholic League and Threatened Crusade Against Protestantism
- General Propagandism
- Prospects of the Papacy
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020 updated: 2023
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0