Here I Stand: Narratives and Sketches from Reformation Days by Theodore Graebner

18 Dec 2023Β·
Theodore Graebner
Theodore Graebner
Β· 1 min read

“Luther’s doctrine is truly the doctrine of Christ. He that follows this doctrine follows not Luther, but Christ. - Hartmut from chapter 1, ‘The First Lutheran’.”

Please note that this is a completely different book than the one by Bainton!


  • About the Lutheran Library, 2
  • Titlepage, 3
    1. The First Lutheran, 4
    1. Albrecht Duerer, Artist and Reformer, 9
    1. Leonard Kaiser, A Bavarian Martyr of the Lutheran Faith, 17
    1. Argula of Grumbach, “The german Deborah of the Reformation.”, 26
    1. How France Drowned the Reformation in Blood, 30
    1. How the Gospel Light Came to the Town of Verden, 38
    1. Patrick Hamilton, A Martyr of Royal Line, 42
    1. Antonius Corvinus, A Faithful Confessor of Christ, 52
    1. Giovanni Mollio, An Italian Hero of the Reformation, 60
  • Contents, 64

Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020 updated: 2023
  • Copyright: CC BY 4.0
Theodore Graebner
Published a number of popular books including The Victory of the Cross. He served as pastor, editor of the Lutheran Witness, and as Professor of Philosophy and New Testament Interpretation at Concordia Seminary St Louis.