The Conservative Reformation by Charles Porterfield Krauth

23 Oct 2023Β·
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Β· 1 min read

“The history of Christianity… moves under the influence of two generic ideas: the conservative, which desires to secure the present by fidelity to the results of the past; the progressive, which looks out, in hope, to a better future. Reformation is the great harmonizer of the two principles.

“Conservatism without Progress produces the Romish and Greek (Orthodox) type. Progress without Conservatism runs into Revolution, Radicalism, and Sectarianism.” - Charles Krauth, from the Preface.


  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • A. The Conservative Reformation
      1. Occasion and Cause
      1. Chief Organ: Luther
      1. Chief Instrument: Luther’s New Testament
  • B. Church of the Conservative Reformation: Lutheran Church
  • C. Confessional Principle of the Conservative Reformation
  • D. Confession of the Conservative Reformation
      1. Primary Confession: Augsburg Confession
      1. Secondary Confessions: Book of Concord
  • E. History and Doctrines of the Conservative Reformation: Mistakes Corrected
  • F. Specific Theology of the Conservative Reformation
      1. Original Sin (Augsburg Art. II)
      1. Person of Christ (Augsburg Art. III)
      1. Baptism (Augsburg Art. IX)
      1. Lord’s Supper (Augsburg Art. X)
      • a. Thetically Stated
      • b. Antithesis Considered
      • c. Objections Answered

Publication Information

  • Originally published: 2023-10-23
  • Copyright: CC BY 4.0