Luther on Genesis: A Critical and Devotional Commentary on the Creation, Sin, and the Flood by Martin Luther

“This volume on Genesis follows the first volume on the Psalms because the volumes ought to be published first that are needed most and will do the most good… While both these volumes will be a healthy corrective to the Old Testament critics, their contribution to the biblical knowledge and the devotional life of Protestantism cannot be exaggerated. Though first delivered to critical students they have also been extensively read in family worship.
“Luther began and closed his blessed ministry in the church of God not by fighting the Pope, but by expounding the Word of God. He began by explaining the whole Psalter… and closed his life’s labors by expounding the first book of the Bible, Genesis… He commenced with the penitential Psalms of David and ended with Moses, the earliest writings of the Old Testament. The reason so many preachers and congregations neglect the Old Testament is because it is neglected in the seminaries. God willing a volume of Luther on the Prophetical Books will be issued and then in all three years at the seminary the students may have something of Luther on the Pentateuch, Psalms and Prophets.” — Dr. Lenker
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
John Nicholas Lenker (1858-1929) was educated at Hamma Divinity School (Ohio Synod), and served pastorates in Grand Island, Nebraska, the General Synod’s Board of Christian Extension, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Before moving to Minneapolis he served as professor in the Trinity Seminary of the United Danish Ev. Luth Church. Prof. Lenker founded Luther Press which translated and published affordable, high quality editions of Luther’s House and Church Postil sermons, copies of which are still used today.
Book Contents
- Second Introduction to Luther’s Works in English.
- Foreword to Lenker Genesis Volume 2.
- Prefaces and Dedications of Luther’s “Dear Genesis.”
- His “Swan Song” and His “It Is Finished.”
- Dedication of Veit Dietrich.
- Dedication of Basil Faber.
- Preface of Dr. John George Walch.
- From the Preface by Dr. Henry Cole. A Tribute of a Theologian of England.
- A Tribute of a Christian Lady in Scotland.
- Dr. Martin Luther to the Christian Reader.
- Chapter 1.
- I. Introduction.
- II. God’s Work on the Six Days in Particular.
- Part I. God’s Work on the First Day.
- Part II. God’s Work on the Second Day.
- Part III. God’s Work on the Third Day.
- Part IV. God’s Work on the Fourth Day.
- Part V. God’s Work on the Fifth Day.
- Part VI. God’s Work on the Sixth Day.
- Chapter 2.
- Part I. God’s Rest, Sanctification of the Sabbath and Creation of Adam.
- Part II. Paradise.
- Part III. The Introduction of Man Into the Garden, the Command God Gave Him and the - Threatening God Attached to It.
- Part IV. The Creation of Eve.
- Part V. The Institution of Marriage and the Family.
- Chapter 3.
- Part I. The Temptation to Fall.
- Part II. The Awful Fall by Sinning.
- Part III. The Judgment God Held With Our First Parents After Their Fall and the Account - of Their Stewardship He Required From Them.
- Chapter 4.
- Part I. Generation, Marriage, Birth and Education of Cain and Abel.
- Part II. Offerings in General, of Our First Parents, and of Cain and Abel.
- Part III. Cain’s Conduct Upon the Rejection of His Offering and His Punishment.
- Part IV. How Cain Murdered His Brother and Was Required to Give an Account, and How He - Conducted Himself.
- Part V. How Cain Was Punished for His Murder.
- Part VI. Cain’s Conduct Upon Being Punished.
- Chapter 5.
- Part I. The Records of the Generations of Man and the Glory of the Cainites.
- Part II. Adam and His Son Seth.
- Part III. Enoch.
- Part IV. Lamech and His Son Noah.
- Chapter 6.
- Part I. The Sins of the Primeval World in General the Cause of Its Destruction.
- Part II. The Judgment and Lamentation of God Over the First World; Noah and His Preaching.
- Part III. Noah and His Preaching.
- Part III. The Sins of the Old World in Particular.
- Part IV. The Repentance and Grief of God Because He Had Made Man.
- Part V. How Noah Alone Was Found Righteous, and How the Whole World Was Destroyed.
- Part VI. God Decides to Punish the First World; Commands Noah to Build an Ark; The - Covenant.
- Part VII. The Animals and Their Food, and Noah’s Obedience.
- Chapter 7.
- Part I. Noah Obeys Command to Enter the Ark.
- Part II. Complete Destruction.
- Chapter 8.
- Part I. Noah in Ark — Flood Abates.
- Part II. Noah Leaves Ark, His Sacrifice and God’s Promise.
- Part III. Man’s Natural Depravity and His Natural Powers.
- Chapter 9.
- Part I. God Blesses Noah and the Race.
- Part II. The Law Against Taking Life; God’s Covenant With Noah; The Rainbow.
- Part III. Concerning Allegories.
- Part IV. Noah and His Fall.
- Part V. Ham Cursed; Shem and Japheth Blessed.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2021
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0