Lutheran Fundamentals: A Simple System of Scripture Truth with Applications for the Common Man by George Gerberding

“The Church needs to restudy, to re-accept, to reaffirm, to re-experience justification by faith… Has not a large part of the Protestant Church practically lost this Reformation doctrine? …Is she not unconsciously drifting back into the old Romish heresy of justification by works, by service, by doing? Is she not, unconsciously perhaps, drifting into the Rationalistic and Unitarian idea of justification by self-made character?
“The doctrine of justification by faith alone is most prominent in the theology of the Reformation. Luther calls it ‘the doctrine of a standing or a falling Church.’” — George Gerberding.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
George Henry Gerberding studied under Charles Krauth and C. F. Schaeffer and assisted the Rev. Passavant. An indefatigable worker, he established and restored churches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Fargo, ND. His Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church was one of the most successful books ever published by the English Lutheran Church.
Book Contents
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- A Layman’s Foreword
- Introduction
- Part One. God.
- 1 We Believe in God.
- 2 The Being and Nature of God
- Who and What Is God?
- God Is a Spirit.
- The Attributes of God.
- 3 The Works of God. — Revelation.
- 4 Creation
- The Creation of Angels.
- 5 God’s Work of Providence.
- Part Two
- 6 Sin
- Part Three
- 7 The Redeemer
- 8 The Work of the Redeemer, or Redemption.
- How Did He Redeem Me?
- Part Four. The Application and Appropriation of Redemption
- 9 The Holy Spirit, His Person and Work
- The Church.
- 10 The Holy Spirit’s Work in Baptism
- 11 Regeneration and Justification
- 12 Conversion
- Who needs conversion?
- What part does the human will have in Conversion?
- 13 Sanctification or Growth in Holiness
- The Sacrament of the Altar, or Lord’s Supper
- Fitness for Communion
- 14 Prayer and Sanctification
- Mistakes about Prayer.
- Christian Rules Of Prayer. Laid Down By Matthesius:
- 15 Public Worship in God’s House, and Good Works as Aids in Sanctification
- 9 The Holy Spirit, His Person and Work
- Part Five. The Last Things
- 16 The Last Things. — Death
- 17 The Last Times
- 18 The Second Coming of Christ
- 19 The Resurrection
- 20 The Final Judgment
- 21 The End of the World
- 22 Eternal Death, or Hell
- 23 Everlasting Life, or Heaven
- Copyright Notice
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2021
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0