The Adversary A Study in Satanology by William A. Matson

“Skepticism as to the personality of the great Adversary of souls is not confined to unbelievers and rationalists. In sending out a third edition of this work, the writer desires to call the attention of Christians to a doctrine once universally received in the Church, and which is still a protest against the Sadduceeism of our age…
“Hand-in-hand with a denial of the personality of the Devil, there is usually a general skepticism as to the supernatural. Physical laws are regarded as sufficient to account for all phenomena. The Divine interposition in the affairs of men is ignored where not positively denied. And yet, every prayer we offer implies such interposition, overruling, guiding, restraining or blessing. The prayer that does not imply this is not honest. The prayer of faith implies the existence of a world that is not seen and of forces beyond the reach of our philosophy. It implies a personal God, the personality of the angels. It is but reasonable, therefore, to hold that Scripture is not deceiving us when it asserts the personality of fallen angels.” — William A. Matson, D.D.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Book Contents
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- Preface
- Note To The Second Edition
- Preface To The Third Edition
- 1 Introductory
- 2 The Fall Of The Angels
- 3 The Fall Of Man
- 4 Satan’s Agency In The Afflictions Of Job
- 5 Angeli Malorum And Satan’s False Prophets And Lying Spirits
- 6 Devils And Devil Worship Mentioned In The Scriptures
- 7 Diviners, Necromancers, Etc.
- 8 The Temptation In The Wilderness And The Demoniacal Possessions Of The New Testament
- 9 The Evil Overruled
- 10 Spiritual Influences, Good And Evil
- 11 History — Earliest Accounts
- 12 History — Continued
- 13 Post-Reformation Period
- 14 History — Continued
- 15 Modern Diabolism
- 16 Diabolism And Lunacy
- 17 Necromancy, Modern Spiritualism, And Supernatural Forces
- 18 Occult Arts, Magic, Sorcery, Etc
- 19 Experience Of Foreign Missionaries
- Appendix A.
- Appendix B.
- I. Passages In Which The Existence And Personality Of Satan Are Distinctly Recognized.
- II. Passages In Which The Name Satan Or Devil Is Applied As A Reproach Or Rebuke.
- III. The Name Applied To Heathen Divinities.
- IV. Passages Which Represent Satan As Seeking To Lead Into Sin, Or Actually Doing So.
- V. Delivered In Judgment To Satan.
- VI. Cautions Or Warnings Against Him.
- VII. Passages Which Describe His Character Or His Deeds.
- VIII. Deliverance From Him.
- IX. His Final Subjugation.
- Appendix C. Notes On Jewish Angelology And Demonology. From Appendix 13, Vol. II., Of Edelsheim’s “Life And Times Of The Messiah.”
- Satanology And Fall Of Angels.
- Appendix D. (page 220.) The Seers Of The Old Testament.
- Appendix E.
- Copyright Notice
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2021
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0