Towards the end of his life, C. F. W. Walther brought forth a teaching of election which many Missouri and other American Lutherans could not reconcile with the Scriptures or the Lutheran Confessions. The resulting “Predestination Controversy” split the Lutheran Church.
This is a diversion used to discredit and take attention away from the Scriptural and Historical arguments, which Missouri has never adequately answered.
“When the Reformed theologian Beza raised the objection: ‘It is false that foreseen faith is the cause of predestination or of the elect, for this is the doctrine of Pelagius,’ he [Chemnitz] answered:
‘Faith in Christ is not a work of nature or of our human powers, but the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when we teach that faith in Christ is the cause of the eternal election of God unto adoption, it is by no means related to the Pelagian heresy; for the Pelagians attributed to human powers what the Holy Spirit alone can produce and work.’”
“Since the publication of the Formula of Concord, for some 300 years, the Lutheran Church has unanimously held that the doctrine of our Confession and of the following teachers of our Church harmonized perfectly also in the article of predestination. Modern Missourians are the first “Lutherans” who assert the contrary; it is to be hoped that they will also be the last.”
This book is part 1 of Walther and the Predestination Controversy or The Error of Modern Missouri
I. The Present Controversy on Predestination
The Predestination Controversy: How It Happened.
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