Siloah: Sermons on Old Testament Texts as Parallels to the Gospels of the Church Year by William Ziethe

“The translator has found delight for his own heart as well as profitable material for his pulpit ministration, in the translation of these sermons. He has aimed to reproduce their Evangelical soundness and unction in a brief and Americanized form, that he may share with others the pleasure and profit he has received from them.”
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
- Preface
- The Translator
- Erratum
- Contents
- First Sunday in Advent: Behold! Thy King Cometh Unto Thee (2 Sam 6:12-23)
- Second Sunday in Advent: The Days of Lot, an Example of Christ’s Second Coming (Gen 19:12-27)
- Third Sunday in Advent: Elijah and the Angel, An Advent Scene int he Wilderness (1 Kings 19:1-8)
- Fourth Sunday in Advent: The Glory of the Lord at the Cave on Horeb (1 Kings 19:8-18)
- Christmas Day: The Christmas Booklet of Micah (Micah 5:2-4)
- First Sunday After Christmas: The Outlook of the Christian Pilgrim on the Last Sunday of the Year (Gen. 28:10-19)
- New Year: God’s Name and Blessing on His Children (Num. 6:24-26)
- Second Sunday After Christmas: Israel’s Pilgrimage and Ours Through the New Year (Ex. 14:9-16)
- Epiphany: The Glory of the Great Servant of the Lord (Is. 42:1-8)
- First Sunday in Epiphany: Children are a Gift from God and to God (1 Sam. 1:26-28)
- Second Sunday in Epiphany: The Blessed House (Ps. 128)
- Third Sunday in Epiphany: Why Is Our Lord’s Gracious Purpose Toward Sinners so Often Defeated? (2 Kings 5:1-14)
- Fourth Sunday in Epiphany: Noah, an Example of Joyful, Patient, Thankful Faith (Gen. 8:1-20)
- Fifth Sunday in Epiphany: Our Attitude Toward the Enemies of the Gospel (2 Kings 6:15-23)
- Sixth Sunday in Epiphany: The Transfiguration: The Great Transfiguration Hour in Moses’ Life and Ours (Ex. 33:17-23)
- Septuagesima: God’s Thoughts are Not Man’s (1 Sam. 16:4-13)
- Sexagesima: The Dignity of the Divine Word (Num. 13:25-14, 10)
- Quinquagesima: Behold! We Go Up to Jerusalem (Is. 63:1-8)
- First Sunday in Lent: The Holy War Against the Serpent (Gen. 3:15)
- Second Sunday in Lent: A Father’s Great Sacrifice (Gen. 22:1-19)
- Third Sunday in Lent: The Tree of the Cross Sweetens the Bitter Waters of our Troubles (Ex. 15:23-26)
- Fourth Sunday in Lent: The Dry Rod Which Bore Fruit (Num. 17:1-8)
- Fifth Sunday in Lent: The Brazen Serpent and the Tree of Our Redemption (Num. 21:4-10)
- Palm Sunday: Crossing the Kidron (2 Sam. 15:23-30)
- Easter Sunday: Easter, the Day Which The Lord Hath Made (Ps 118:22-25)
- First Sunday After Easter: Melchizedek, a Type of Our Easter King (Gen. 14:14-24)
- Second Sunday After Easter: The Lord, Our Good Shepherd (Ps 23)
- Third Sunday After Easter: Christian People Sorrowing Yet Always Rejoicing (Ps. 126)
- Fourth Sunday After Easter: The New Song Unto the Lord (Ps. 87)
- Fifth Sunday After Easter: Solomon’s Prayer and Ours (1 Kings 3:5-15)
- The Ascension: Our Lord’s Ascension (Ps 68:18-20)
- Sunday After Ascension: The Holy Day Between Ascension and Pentecost (2 Kings 2:8-12)
- Pentecost. Whitsunday: How Shall We Keep the Pentecost Festival? (Joel 2:28-32)
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0