A Lutheran Treasury of Prayers

Prayers for all different types of situations easily accessible for use as needed. Keep it on your smartphone or laptop.
You might also find True Christianity by John Arndt and Starck’s Daily Handbook useful.
God Hears Us
“DEAR FATHER In heaven, Thou lovest me, I know, because I love Thy Son, Jesus Christ, my Savior. Trusting in this I do now confidently pray Thee to hear me and to grant what I ask – not because I am so holy and pious, but because I know that Thou, for Christ’s sake, wilt readily give and grant all things to us. In His name I now come before Thee, offer my prayer – no matter who I am as to my person – confident that it is “yea” and surely heard. Amen.
Preparatory Prayers
- P1. For True Devotion
- P2. For True Worthiness in Prayer
- P3. A Prayer of Comfort with Respect to Sin and Unworthiness
- P4. A Prayer Based on God’s Command and Promise
- P5. Assurance of Being Heard for Christ’s Sake
- P6. God Hears Us
- P7. Preparation for the Lord’s Supper
Daily Prayers
This section includes morning and evening prayers for each day of the week.
Miscellaneous Prayers
- M1. Prayer on a Birthday
- M2. A Prayer for Children
- M3. A Prayer for Young People
- M4. A Prayer for Servants
- M5. Prayer of a Husband
- M6. Prayer of a Wife
- M7. Prayer for the Aged
- M8. A Prayer for the Proper Performance of One’s Duties
- M9. A Prayer Before Work
- M10. A Prayer for Blessing in One’s Calling
- M11. A Prayer of Luther on the Passage: “Casting all your Care Upon Him, for He Careth for You”
- M12. Prayer in View of an Undertaking of Moment
- M13. Thanksgiving upon Completion of Work
- M14. Prayer While on a Journey
- M15. Prayer when Putting Out to Sea
- M16. Prayer of a Voyager in a Storm
- M17. Brief Instruction on Confession and Absolution
- M18. A Poor Sinner Laments the Impenitence of his Heart
- M19. Prayer for True Conversion
- M20. Prayer for Forgiveness of Sin
- M21. A Prayer for Reconciliation with our Neighbor
- Brief Instruction on The Lord’s Table
- Why do you intend to go to Holy Communion?
- The benefit derived from Holy Communion is of a threefold nature.
- M22. Morning Prayer for a Communicant
- M23. Prayer for a Worthy Communion
- M24. A Prayer of Thanks upon Partaking of Holy Communion
- M25. Prayer for Preservation from Sin, and for their Remission when Committed
- M26. A Prayer of Meditation on the Sufferings of Christ
- M27. Prayer at Time of Drought
- M28. Prayer for Sunshine in a Season of Continued Rains
- M29. Prayer for the Fruits of the Field
- M30. Prayer During a Thunderstorm
- M31. A Prayer of Thanks after the Thunderstorm
- M32. Prayer in Great Weakness of Faith
- M33. A Prayer in Great Distress and Danger
- M34. A Prayer of Thanks after a Safe Journey
- M35. Thanks for Deliverance from Afflictions
- M36. Morning Prayer for a Sick Person
- M37. Another Morning Prayer for a Sick Person
- M38. Evening Prayer for a Sick Person
- M39. Another Evening Prayer for a Sick Person
- M40. A Prayer in Sickness
- M41. Prayer of Contrition in Sickness
- M42. Brief Prayers for the Sick – For Each Hour of the Day
- M43. Thank Offering after Recovery
- M44. Three Prayers in the Hour of Death
- M45. A Prayer of Those Present for a Person in the Agonies of Death
- M46. A Short Litany together with Prayers for a Dying Person
- M47. A Prayer after the Patient has Departed in the Lord
Prayers For Festival Days
- Prayer at Beginning of a New Church Year
- Prayer for the Advent Season
- A Christmas Prayer
- A Prayer on New Year’s Day
- Prayer on Epiphany
- Prayer on the Day of Purification
- Prayer on Day of Annunciation
- Prayer on Maundy-Thursday
- Prayer on Good Friday
- Prayer on Eastertide
- Prayer on Ascension Day
- Prayer on Day of Pentecost
- Prayer on the Festival of Holy Trinity
- Prayer on Day of John the Baptist
- Prayer on the Day of the Visitation of Mary
- Prayer on St. Michael’s Day
- Prayer on Reformation Festival
- A Prayer on the Day of Church Dedication
- Prayer on Harvest Festival
- Prayer on Mission Festival
- Prayer of Thanks
- Morning Hymn
- Evening Hymn
- Cross and Comfort
- Beloved, “It is well!”
- The Christian Life
- Death and Eternity
- Abide With Me
- I Fall Asleep In Jesus’ Wounds
- “Forever with the Lord!”
A Mother’s Prayer
- Prayer of a Mother for Wayward Children
- Prayer of a Mother before being Delivered of a Child
- Thanksgiving after a Happy Birth
- Prayer of a Husband at the Birth of a still-born Child
- Prayer of a Mother who has given Birth to a Deformed Child.
- Prayer before being Subjected to an Operation
- Prayer for a Happy Death
- Prayer of a Dying Person for his Family and Friends
Prayers For Children
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2017-12-02
- Updated: 2019-05-06
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0