Life Reminiscences of an Old Lutheran Minister by John Gottlieb Morris

“In the Church… influential men (opposed) genuine Lutheranism. They clung ardently to the name, and gloried in their ecclesiastical ancestry; but they held that under that name they could be Calvinists, Zwinglians, or Arminians. Lutheranism with them covered a multitude of errors, hence they struggled violently in maintenance of the lowest church views, the loosest theology.” — John Gottlieb Morris
“I always revered Dr. Morris as one of God’s chosen men. His great age seemed phenomenal; his exuberant spirit, ready wit and natural humor made him popular, and drew men to him… He was possessed of good sound common sense, and well calculated to be a leader and a counselor… He loved the Lutheran Church, and his name will ever be connected with that Church as one of her foremost sons. His love and ardent spirit will ever be remembered and live long in the hearts and minds of the people of the Church.” – Hon. Chas. A. Schieren, ex-Mayor of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
John Gottlieb Morris (1803-1895) attended Princeton and Dickinson Colleges, and Princeton Theological Seminary and was a member of the first class of the Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg. Dr. Morris founded the Lutheran Observer and was president of both the Maryland and General Synods. Morris was a frequent lecturer before the Smithsonian Institution and author of the Catalogue of the Described Lepidoptera of North America (1860), among other scientific and religious publications. He and his nephew founded the Lutheran Historical Society. [Source: William and Mary Special Collections Database.]
Book Contents
- Preface
- 1 Youth
- 2 Student Life At Princeton And Dickinson Colleges
- 3 Student Life
- Student Life At Nazareth
- The General Synod At Frederick, Md., In 1825
- Student Life At Princeton Seminary, 1825-1826
- 4 Licensed To Preach – Gettysburg Seminary
- 5 Call To Baltimore And Pastoral Life; 1827 To 1860
- Brief History Of The First English Lutheran Church [In Baltimore]
- Ordination
- Anti-popery
- First Corner-Stone
- Students In My House
- Teaching
- Difficulties
- 6 Early History Of The Lutheran Observer
- 7 Scientific Studies And Offices
- 8 Resignation As Pastor; Librarian Of The Peabody Institute
- 9 Summer Residence At Lutherville. - Lectures And Readings
- 10 Church Correspondence
- Private Correspondence
- Scientific And Literary Correspondence At Home
- My Foreign Correspondence
- 11 The Diets
- Impressions Of The Diet
- Academy Of Lutheran Church History In The United States
- A Lutheran Historical Academy Formed
- Answers To Questions
- Can A Church Council Dismiss A Minister?
- What Were My Reasons?
- Lutheran Ministers’ Mutual Insurance League
- Preaching In Other Pulpits
- Good Advice From Members
- Evangelical Alliance
- That Alliance Expedition To Russia
- Fliedner, Of Kaiserswerth
- Consubstantiation
- 12 Church Miscellany
- Style Of Preaching
- Argument For Study
- State Of Theology
- Progress
- D. D.’s In Our Church
- Catechisation, Pastoral Visiting, And Other Functions
- Luther Memorial Meetings In 1883
- Luther Statue
- The Luther Statuette
- Election Of Professors And Presidents
- Collecting Funds For The Seminary
- 13 General Miscellany
- Excursions
- Private Libraries
- The Rebellion [American Civil War]
- Giving Offence Unintentionally
- Köstlin’s Life Of Luther
- Bad Treatment
- House Robbed
- Curious Wedding Event
- Kossuth In Baltimore
- Kossuth And The City Clergy
- Lists Of Lutheran Publications
- Visits From Foreigners
- 14 Offices Held – Published Writings And Manuscripts – Papers Read Before - Historical Societies In Maryland – Learned Societies
- 15 Last Days. In Memoriam. Rev. John G. Morris, D. D. , LL.D
- Copyright Notice
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2018
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0